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- Dwindle means to gradually become smaller, weaker, or less in quantity. It is like a slow and steady decline or shrinkage of something over time. When something dwindles, it is gradually diminishing or decreasing, often resulting in a state where there is less of it compared to before.
- With the constant flow of celebrity fashion on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, as well as the enormous increase in TV and movie content, the allure of award shows has dwindled.
- As the population of Holocaust survivors dwindles over time, it is increasingly likely that today’s students will come across a Hitler meme on the internet before encountering testimonies from Holocaust survivors.
- When citywide protests erupted in response to the killing of George Floyd and Mayor Bill de Blasio enforced an 8 p.m. curfew, the number of people gathering at bars significantly dwindled, and a few bars even temporarily shut down.
- Since the onset of the coronavirus outbreak, investments in nature conservation are at risk as resources are redirected and the financial contributions from tourism that support conservation efforts dwindle.
- After the implementation of laws in Mexico and the United States that prohibited the hunting of elephant seals, the size of the colony, which had dwindled to less than 100 animals, was able to continue breeding, leading to a resurgence in the population.
- Dwindle这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to decrease in size, extent, or range”这一含义,即“缩小/减少/逐渐减少”,与reduce/diminish/decrease/shrink/decline这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- As shipwrecks dwindled and recreational swimming rose, the roots of modern-day lifeguarding emerged, with trained life savers patrolling pools and beaches.(随着沉船的减少和休闲游泳的增加,现代救生员的起源出现了,训练有素的救生员开始在游泳池和海滩巡逻。)
–History - If the price offered by Musk caused Twitter’s share value dwindle, it would have made Twitter susceptible to pressure from activists seeking changes in the board composition or the removal of the recently appointed CEO.(如果马斯克开出的价格导致Twitter的股价下跌,那么Twitter就会容易受到来自活跃人士寻求改变董事会组成或罢免最近任命的首席执行官的压力。)
–Business - Over the past 20 years, more than 2,500 newspapers throughout the United States have shut down because of the dwindling of revenue from print advertisements, resulting in approximately one-fifth of Americans having limited availability of local news.(在过去的20年里,由于印刷广告收入的减少,美国各地有2500多家报纸关闭,导致大约五分之一的美国人对当地新闻的供应有限。)
–News - Morgan Asset Management predicts a significant decrease in inflation regardless, and suggests that the central bank should demonstrate more patience as the remaining effects of government pandemic stimulus fade away and household savings continue to dwindle.(摩根资产管理公司预测,无论如何,通胀都会大幅下降,并建议央行应该表现出更多的耐心,因为政府疫情刺激措施的剩余影响逐渐消失,家庭储蓄继续减少。)
–Business - By approximately 450 C.E. in western England, the presence of Roman-style pottery, tools, and architecture dwindled, while the characteristics of jewelry, swords, and houses started resembling those discovered along the North Sea coast in present-day Germany and the Netherlands.(到公元450年左右,在英格兰西部,罗马风格的陶器,工具和建筑的存在减少了,而珠宝,剑和房屋的特征开始出现在类似于今天德国和荷兰北海沿岸的发现物中。)
–Culture - Due to a large number of Americans receiving vaccinations or being infected with the virus, or both, the population of individuals with no immune defenses against the virus has notably dwindled.(由于大量美国人接受疫苗接种或感染病毒,或两者兼而有之,对病毒没有免疫防御的个体人口明显减少。)
–News - The rapid growth of the tech industry in recent years has forced companies to seek new talent beyond their main offices, especially as living expenses increase and opportunities for local expansion dwindle.(近年来,科技行业的快速增长迫使公司在其主要办公室之外寻找新的人才,尤其是在生活费用增加和本地扩张机会减少的情况下。)
–Technology - Pharmaceutical companies enlist the services of university hospitals for conducting clinical trials, while universities and their departments, grappling with dwindling financial support from government and foundations, are increasingly reliant on corporate funding to sustain their operations, particularly in the field of social sciences.(制药公司寻求大学医院的服务进行临床试验,而大学及其部门则努力应对政府和基金会日益减少的财政支持,越来越依赖企业资金来维持其运营,特别是在社会科学领域。)