Image by Klub Boks

  • 发音:[dəˈmestɪk]

  • 例句

  1. When used as an adjective, the word “domestic” is applied to describe things that relate to the home or family, or to things that are produced or manufactured within one’s own country.
  2. As in Africa, in the Americas the spread of native crops and domestic animals was slowed by constricted skies and environmental barriers.
  3. Those lands became productive not only for European settlers but also, in some cases, for Native Americans, as soon as Europeans introduced suitable domestic animals and crops.
  4. They contend that at a time when the United States is burdened by record levels of debt and a weakening economy, that money would be better spent on domestic problems.
  5. Meanwhile, as the World Cup plays out, the United Nations Human Rights Council on Nov. 24 is expected to hold a special session to discuss Iran’s domestic treatment of protesters.

  • 解释

  1. Domestic这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“relating to the home or family, or to things that are produced or manufactured within one’s own country.”这一含义,即“本国的/国内的/家用的/家庭的”,与native/indigenous/aboriginal/endemic这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • Some 2.4 million adults in England and Wales experienced domestic abuse in the year ending March 2022, according to most recent government data.(根据最新的政府数据,在截至 2022 年 3 月的一年中,英格兰和威尔士约有 240 万成年人遭受过家庭虐待。)
  • Chinese oil imports remain low for the moment, and Chinese refineries are gearing up for a recovery by producing more fuels for domestic consumption and export.(目前,中国的石油进口量仍然很低,中国炼油厂正通过生产更多用于国内消费和出口的燃料来为复苏做准备。)
  • A Chinese translation of the N.B.A.’s statement suggested that the league was apologizing to the Chinese government, further feeding domestic criticism that the N.B.A.’s response was not forceful enough in standing behind Morey.(NBA声明的中文翻译表明,联盟正在向中国政府道歉,这进一步助长了国内的批评,即NBA的回应在支持莫雷方面不够有力。)
  • A new study in the journal Heredity investigated the genetic diversity of modern cat populations across the globe and put a date on when they metamorphosed into the domestic animals we know today.(《遗传》杂志上的一项新研究调查了全球现代猫种群的遗传多样性,并确定了它们演变成我们今天所知道的家畜的日期。)


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