• 发音: [dɔɡˈmætɪk]

  • 例句

  1. If we say someone is dogmatic, it refers to that person does things by following a set of rules no matter the rules are right or wrong.
  2. To be dogmatic is to hold very strong or positive opinions about things as if they were the facts.
  3. He said his doubts about capitalism were not “dogmatic” but were based on conditions in his Maui district, where the cost of living is high.
  4. The 47 percent of strong supporters of the war tended to be dogmatic and proud of Russia’s military actions, and appeared to adopt some of the Kremlin’s most common propaganda.
  5. The vast majority of jurisdictions in California recognize this. But the city is stubbornly clinging to its dogmatic opposition to allowing people to choose for themselves how best to be prepared.
  6. If we’re going to eradicate poverty and lessen economic inequality, we must start by abandoning dogmatic approaches toward policy and instead look at what meets the actual needs of real-life human beings.

  • 解释

  1. Dogmatic这个单词为形容词,其表示“To be dogmatic is to follow a doctrine relating to morals and faith, a set of beliefs that is passed down and never questioned.”这一含义,即“教条的/武断的/独断的/自以为是的”,与adamant/stubborn/opinionated这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • It was not in Franklin’s nature to be dogmatic or extreme about any principle; he generally gravitated toward a sensible balance.(富兰克林的天性不是教条主义或极端对待任何原则;他通常倾向于一个合理的平衡。)
  • The coach has mastered the art of creating the perfect environment for superstars to shine, without ever being dogmatic about any soccer principles or a certain style of play.(教练已经掌握了为超级巨星创造完美环境的艺术,而不是对任何足球原则或某种比赛风格教条。)
  • In interviews with mainstream outlets such as Vox and The New Yorker, Malm contends that climate activists should dismiss their dogmatic attachment to pacifism and start to destroy the machines that actually produce carbon.(在接受Vox和《纽约客》等主流媒体的采访时,马尔姆认为气候活动家应该放弃对和平主义的教条式依恋,并开始摧毁实际产生碳的机器。)


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