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- The word “divest” means to get rid of something or to sell it. It’s like when you decide to sell or give away something you own, such as a piece of clothing or a business, to no longer have it. People often use this word when they want to remove themselves from owning or being involved with something.
- Avoiding the worst-case outcome requires discontinuing investments in new fossil fuel supply projects, divesting from fossil fuel interests, and eliminating fossil fuel assets entirely from investment portfolios.
- During this week, Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne took action by mandating three Chinese companies to divest their ownership stakes in Canadian mining companies involved in the extraction of valuable minerals like lithium, which are increasingly sought-after for applications such as electric vehicle batteries.
- During November, national headlines featured a parallel student movement, where students were calling for their schools to divest from fossil fuel companies. This movement gained significant attention when hundreds of protestors disrupted the annual Harvard-Yale football game by entering the field.
- In its quarterly report, International Business Machines Corp announced revenue that surpassed expectations, highlighting its strategy of divesting low-performing sectors and transitioning towards higher-end ventures such as big data, cloud computing, security, and mobile services as contributing factors to its performance.
- Divest这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to get rid of something you have, whether it’s a financial interest, a physical possession, or a connection to a particular situation or entity”这一含义,即处理掉/卖掉/放弃/丢弃/剥离,与deprive/dispossess/remove等单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- He argues that the French Revolution of 1789 was, in part, triggered by the frustration of the general population, who lived in dire conditions while figures like Marie Antoinette divested themselves of excess luxuries, even including France’s first indoor toilet.(他认为,1789年的法国大革命部分是由普通民众的沮丧引发的,他们生活在悲惨的条件下,而像玛丽·安托瓦内特这样的人物则丢弃多余的奢侈品,甚至包括法国的第一个室内厕所。)
–Literature - As reported in The Washington Post last month, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, which includes members from various federal agencies, is in the process of developing a proposal that would mandate TikTok’s owners to divest from the platform.(正如《华盛顿邮报》上个月报道的那样,包括来自各个联邦机构的成员在内的美国外国投资委员会正在制定一项提案,要求TikTok的所有者从该平台撤资。)
–Technology - In a move consistent with decisions made by other significant foundations in recent years, the Ford Foundation, one of the largest private foundations in the United States, declared on Monday its intention to divest millions of dollars from fossil fuels.(美国最大的私人基金会之一福特基金会周一宣布,它打算从化石燃料中剥离数百万美元,此举与其他重要基金会近年来做出的决定一致。)
–News - Extinction Rebellion Norway is calling for Norway’s Sovereign Wealth Fund to completely divest from coal and take responsibility for the damage caused by human-made global warming in vulnerable island nations.(Extinction Rebellion Norway呼吁挪威主权财富基金完全卖掉煤炭行业,并要求赔偿那些因为全球变暖而遭受伤害的弱势国家。)
–Science - As per information from one of the sources, regulators are pushing for Ant to divest certain investments, unless those investments are deemed essential to its core business, which spans payment processing, consumer lending, and the distribution of insurance products.(根据其中一个消息来源的信息,监管机构正在推动蚂蚁金服剥离某些投资,除非这些投资被认为对其核心业务至关重要。这些核心业务涵盖支付处理,消费者贷款和保险产品分销。)