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- Physically, “divert” means to redirect something from its original course or path. For example, in road traffic, a sign might divert cars away from a certain route due to construction or an accident. In this context, it’s about changing the direction of movement or flow.
- Figuratively, “divert” means to turn attention or resources away from one thing and toward another. For instance, a company might divert funds from one project to support a more pressing initiative. Here, it’s about shifting focus or resources from one area to another.
- With simpler stage setups and no extravagant performances, there are fewer elements attempting to divert the audience’s attention from the actors’ words.
- The British Airways flight was diverted on Wednesday moments before landing due to the activation of air raid sirens near Ben Gurion Airport, situated 12 miles from Tel Aviv, which serves as Israel’s primary flight hub.
- Lawmakers, such as Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, criticize the practice, claiming it diverts funds to Wall Street investors instead of allocating them for employee pay raises or new investments.
- After several years of studying violin at Juilliard, Raymond diverted his focus to science upon receiving a Ford Foundation scholarship to attend the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
- Divert这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to turn from one course or use to another”这一含义,即“转移/转向/改变用途/转移注意力”,与deviate/distract/redirect这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- The complaint alleges that Twitter, by appropriating key features responsible for BlackBerry’s initial success, managed to divert consumers from BlackBerry’s products and services toward its own platform.(起诉书称,Twitter通过挪用黑莓最初成功的关键功能,成功地将消费者从黑莓的产品和服务转移到自己的平台上。)
–Technology - Even in frigid conditions, certain deep-sea fish like tuna and lamnid sharks exhibit partial warm-bloodedness, enabling them to divert body heat to specific organs.(即使在寒冷的条件下,某些深海鱼类,如金枪鱼和蜱鱼鲨,也表现出部分温血动物,使它们能够将体温转移到特定的器官。)
–Science - Reportedly, Beijing, according to a state-run newspaper, diverted water from the Baihebao Reservoir in the city to revive the Guishui River near the Olympic zone, which usually dries up considerably during winter.(据一家官方报纸报道,北京从该市的白河堡水库引水,以恢复奥运区附近的贵水河,该河通常在冬季干涸。)
–News - According to lawsuits filed by investors in Skyloft, they accused Mr. Nelson of defrauding them and improperly diverting investor funds to other endeavors, such as the purchase of Sol y Luna, a student housing complex in Tucson, Arizona.(根据Skyloft的投资者提起的诉讼,他们指控尼尔森欺骗了他们,并将投资者的资金不当转移到其他方面,例如购买亚利桑那州图森市的学生宿舍楼Sol y Luna。)
–Business - Despite these events, organizations like Human Rights Watch are urging celebrities to boycott the kingdom, arguing that these activities are meant to divert attention and detract from Saudi Arabia’s human rights record.(人权观察组织和其他团体呼吁名人抵制该王国,声称此类活动旨在转移注意力,转移对沙特阿拉伯人权记录的关注。)
–Arts and Culture