
Image by Magda Ehlers

  • 发音:[daɪˈvɜrdʒənt]

  • 例句

  1. The word divergent means different or separate, moving in different directions, or having contrasting opinions or ideas. It can also mean deviating from a standard or expected path.
  2. He possessed strong nationalist beliefs and excellent organizational skills, enabling him to reconcile divergent opinions and offer an appropriate compromise.
  3. In the wild, different populations had significantly divergent genetic makeups, with these distinct genetic types overlapping and coexisting.
  4. When faced with a question, a divergent thinker has the potential to generate numerous answers, whereas a convergent thinker will only come up with one correct solution to a problem.
  5. Debates on the necessity of simulator training reveal divergent opinions within the global aviation community concerning the capabilities of pilots from different countries.
  6. Research has produced divergent answers, with some studies suggesting that dogs were initially domesticated in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, or even multiple locations.

  • 解释

  1. Divergent这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“different or separate, moving in different directions, or having contrasting opinions or ideas”这一含义,即“有分歧的/有差异的/背道而弛的/发散的/有分歧的/分叉的”,与diverse/distinctive/disparate这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • When presented with information on emotionally charged issues like climate change, individuals with divergent beliefs tend to become even more entrenched in their original positions.(当看到有关气候变化等情绪化问题的信息时,信仰不同的人往往会更加坚定地坚持自己的原始立场。)
  • As people increasingly seek what is popular, they tend to limit their exposure to divergent viewpoints and instead focus on information that confirms their own opinions.(随着人们越来越多地寻求流行的东西,他们倾向于限制对不同观点的接触,而是专注于证实自己观点的信息。)
  • Four out of the remaining eight teams in the Rugby World Cup are coached by New Zealanders who, despite pursuing divergent coaching careers, ended up intersecting at this tournament.(橄榄球世界杯剩余的八支球队中有四支由新西兰人执教,尽管他们追求不同的教练生涯,但最终在这次比赛中相交。)
  • Based on her own teaching experience at Yale, she observed that students from divergent backgrounds were able to overcome disagreements and achieve mutual respect, sometimes even forming friendships.(根据自己在耶鲁的教学经验,她观察到来自不同背景的学生能够克服分歧并实现相互尊重,有时甚至建立友谊。)


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