- To disregard something is to pay or give no attention to it, or take no account of it.
- The draft bill published by Axios did not mention the WTO, but its report said the law would allow the United States to disregard tariff limits agreed at the WTO since 1995.
- No matter how good your club is and how much momentum they carry through the latter stages of a season, let’s never disregard the importance of a team’s relationship with its supporters.
- Instead of protecting the children under their care, Washington Hebrew disregarded the law and failed to report incidents of harm, hired unqualified teachers, and ran an unlicensed summer child-care center for years.
- Their values are often entwined with racist and sexist attitudes, in part because they deny or disregard the hostility directed at minority groups and women during that idealized history.
- In his classic 1987 work Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics, Bell criticizes physicists who apply quantum mechanics while blithely disregarding its “fundamental obscurity”; he calls them “sleepwalkers.”
- Disregard这个单词可以作用动词,其表示“give little or no attention to something,or take no account of something”这一含义,即“漠视/不理会/忽略/忽视”,与neglect/ignore/despise这些单词构成近义词。
- 除了做作动词外,disregard这个单词也可以用作名词,其表示“the act of treating someone or something as unworthy of regard or notice”这一含义,即“漠视,忽视”,与indifference/unconcern/nonchalance这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- The teacher says this essay is so good that she can safely disregard a couple of spelling errors.(老师说这篇作文太好了,她可以放心地忽略几个拼写错误。)
—Education - They make no effort to contact her family, provide prenatal care or admit her to the hospital, carelessly disregarding the potential harm to her and her unborn child.(他们不努力与她的家人联系,提供产前护理或让她住院,粗心大意地忽视对她和她未出生的孩子的潜在伤害。)
—News - In contrast to employers that disregarded protective protocols against the coronavirus and allowed clients to do the same, some employers are making sure to let employees know they have their back.(与漠视冠状病毒保护协议并允许客户这样做的雇主相反,一些雇主确保让员工知道他们支持他们。)
—Business - Attempts to disregard the basic norms of international relations and to create various excuses to interfere in China’s internal affairs, undermine China’s sovereignty and smear China’s image will never succeed.(无视国际关系基本准则,制造各种借口干涉中国内政、损害中国主权、抹黑中国形象的企图是不会得逞的。)
—Politics - The apparent disregard for quality and consistency tarnished those platforms’ good names among some of Apple’s most critical and vocal users.(对质量和一致性的明显无视玷污了这些平台在苹果一些最挑剔和最直言不讳的用户中的好名声。)
—Business - Among many things, we saw a historic level of disregard of scientific advice with respect to the COVID-19 virus, a disregard that made the pandemic worse in the U.S. than in many other countries.(在许多事情中,我们看到对COVID-19病毒的科学建议的无视达到了历史性的水平,这种无视使美国的大流行比许多其他国家更严重。)
—Business - The veteran designer appreciates Maluma’s disregard for rigid fashion rules and refers to his blind spots as “indifference.”(这位资深设计师欣赏马卢玛对僵化时尚规则的漠视,并将他的盲点称为“无动于衷”。)