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  1. The word disinterested means not having a personal interest or bias in a situation, so that one can make a fair and impartial judgment. It means being neutral and not favoring one side over another.
  2. American film history is often categorized into two types: impartial and seemingly disinterested accounts, and gossipy counter-histories, some of which are convincing, while others are imaginary.
  3. Journalists are expected to remain neutral and gather disinterested facts while reporting on a tragic event.
  4. Despite considering themselves as disinterested technocrats, central bankers may be viewed with suspicion by some politicians.
  5. As scientists, it is expected of us to be impartial and disinterested, carefully analyzing evidence.


  1. Disinterested这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“marked by justice, honesty, and freedom from bias”这一含义,即“客观的/无私的/公正的”,与impartial/equitable/equal这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Before further experiments can proceed, credible, objective, disinterested, and quantitative risk-benefit analyses are required for all such studies.(在进一步的实验进行之前,所有此类研究都需要进行可信、客观、无利害关系和定量的风险收益分析。)
  • A fair hearing for individuals whose content has been unfairly removed will be granted for the first time through the intervention of a disinterested third party.(对于内容被不公平删除的个人,将通过无利害关系的第三方的干预首次获得公平听证会。)
  • The Spotify deal is seen by some as the end of podcasting’s Wild West era, where Apple acted as a disinterested host to numerous shows from a variety of independent producers.(Spotify的交易被一些人视为播客的狂野西部时代结束,苹果公司充当了来自各种独立制作人的众多节目的无私主持人。)
  • Various initiatives are being undertaken, such as the creation of checklists, the restructuring of experimental design training, and the funding of disinterested scientists to replicate others’ experiments.(正在采取各种举措,例如制定清单,调整实验设计培训,以及资助客观的科学家复制他人的实验。)


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