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- The word “disciple” refers to someone who follows and learns from another person, usually someone who is a teacher or leader in a specific area, like religion or philosophy. Disciples are not just students; they actively practice and spread the teachings of their leader. For example, in religious contexts, the disciples of Jesus followed him closely, learned his teachings, and later spread those teachings to others. The term can also be used more generally to describe someone who is a devoted follower of any philosophy or artistic movement.
- When he reached the New York side, he was taken to the nearby residence of James Bayard, a close friend and loyal disciple, where Hosack gave him large amounts of laudanum and awaited the outcome.
- While studying at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mr. Bankman-Fried had lunch with Will MacAskill, a disciple of Mr. Singer and co-founder of the Centre for Effective Altruism.
- In its coverage of the 1968 Olympic 200m final, the Guardian referred to the two American athletes as “disciples of black power,” highlighting Smith’s world-record win of 19.83 seconds despite a groin strain.
- The finding that √2 is irrational is often attributed to Pythagoras or one of his disciples, though it’s uncertain whether their method was arithmetic or geometric.
- Apple’s minimalist stores, designed with steel and glass, act as effective advertisements for its products, with customer service playing a vital role in gaining new disciples.
- Disciple这个单词做名词使用,其表示“someone who believes and helps to spread the doctrine of another”这一含义,即“门徒/信徒/追随者/门生”,与follower /adherent /missionary/等单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Right now, Star Wars disciples are gearing up for the release of “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” looking forward to a new wave of fan fiction that ranges from gritty and sweet to ridiculous and tear-jerking, filled with hope and angst.(目前,《星球大战》的粉丝们正在为即将上映的《游侠索罗:星球大战外传》做准备,他们期待着新一波的同人小说,内容从严肃与甜美到荒谬与催泪,充满希望与焦虑。)
–Technology - Economist Paul Krugman noted in his latest column that disciples of Milton Friedman’s ideas strongly resist the idea of the US Federal Drug Administration, perceiving it as an unnecessary government intrusion.(经济学家保罗·克鲁格曼在他最新的专栏中指出,弗里德曼理念的信徒们强烈反对美国联邦药品管理局的存在,将其视为不必要的政府干预。)
–Science - How likely is it that other professional golfers, from the Web.com or PGA Tours, will start to follow in your footsteps and effectively become DeChambeau disciples?(其他职业高尔夫球手,无论是来自Web.com巡回赛还是PGA巡回赛,跟随你的脚步、成为德尚博的信徒的可能性有多大?)
–Sports - The Bikini Body Company has transformed from a passion project into a worldwide empire by leveraging testimonials from followers of its training and nutrition guides—whom it calls disciples—into a social media following of over 3 million.(比基尼身材公司已从一个热情项目转变成一个全球帝国,通过利用其训练和营养指南的追随者——公司称之为“信徒”的见证,吸引了超过300万的社交媒体粉丝。)
–Business - The novel presents a vivid array of characters: a slightly unhinged land preservationist, a Nobel Prize winner involved in corruption, a Chilean disciple of Ayn Rand, and several endearing dogs.(这部小说展现了一系列生动的角色:一个略带疯狂的土地保护主义者、一个涉及腐败的诺贝尔奖得主、一个智利的安·兰德信徒,以及几只可爱的狗。)
–Arts and Culture