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- To discern means to perceive, recognize, or understand something clearly or with careful observation. It involves being able to distinguish or differentiate between different elements or aspects. When you discern something, you are able to see or understand it in a detailed and thoughtful way.
- Even though the sky was clear, the ancient trees up ahead created deep, dark, and cool areas of shade, and it took a few moments for Harry to discern the partially hidden building among the cluster of tree trunks.
- OpenAI recently unveiled a tool aimed at discerning the origin of text, whether it was written by a human or generated by artificial intelligence, to effectively identify potential automated misinformation campaigns.
- As is typical with iPhones, it can be challenging to discern noticeable speed enhancements, but this is primarily due to the fact that iPhones maintain a high level of performance over an extended period, making them consistently fast.
- The economic choices that benefited certain individuals at the expense of others were made in faraway urban centers and predominantly communicated in unfamiliar languages, leaving only a few individuals capable of discerning their sources.
- In contrast to optical telescopes, planetary radar has the ability to discern the two asteroids as separate entities, enabling astronomers to observe their individual positions and approximate the orbital period of Dimorphos around Didymos.
- Discern这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to understand or point out the difference”这一含义,即“识别/区分/觉察/了解/辨别/辨明”,与notice/understand/apprehend/differentiate/distinguish这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- If you’re someone who occasionally covers Olympic sports, it can be challenging to accurately identify or discern with certainty due to the unfamiliar events and the presence of relatively known names with less recognizable faces.(如果您只是偶尔报道奥林匹克运动的人,由于不熟悉的事件以及相对知名的名字却不太容易识别的面孔的存在,准确识别或确定可能具有挑战性。)
–Sports - It would be an insurmountable task for human observers to visually discern climate-induced deterioration on mosaic floors and frescoed walls within approximately 10,000 excavated rooms of villas, workshops, and humble homes.(对于人类观察者来说,在大约10,000个挖掘的别墅,车间和简陋房屋的房间内的马赛克地板和壁画墙上辨别气候引起的恶化迹象是一项不可逾越的任务。)
–History - Experts suggest that the most effective approach to combat visual misinformation, given the growing challenge of discerning synthetic images from genuine ones, is to enhance public awareness and education.(专家建议,鉴于区分合成图像和真实图像的挑战越来越大,打击视觉错误信息的最有效方法是提高公众意识和教育。)
–News - If acclaimed blockbusters such as “Spider-Man: No Way Home” and “No Time to Die” were not recognized by the Producers Guild, it is unlikely that more discerning Oscar voters will consider them for the Best Picture category.(如果《蜘蛛侠:无路可归》和《无暇赴死》等广受好评的大片没有得到制片人协会的认可,那么更挑剔的奥斯卡投票者不太可能将它们视为最佳影片类别。)
–Arts - In light of the increasing prevalence of artificial intelligence and other technological advancements, combined with the concentration of online communications in the hands of a few companies, it is crucial for us to exercise caution, remain vigilant, be discerning, and act with shrewdness.(鉴于人工智能和其他技术进步的日益普及,加上在线通信集中在少数公司手中,我们必须谨慎行事,保持警惕,辨别力,并精明行事。)
–Business - Those investments lost all their value when it was revealed that the company’s blood tests, which were intended to discern different illnesses based on a small amount of a patient’s blood, were proven to be ineffective.(当发现该公司旨在根据少量患者的血液识别不同的疾病的测试被证明是无效时,这些投资失去了所有价值。)
–Medicine - Martin, who was recovering from knee surgery, didn’t participate in the Yankees’ initial six exhibition games; however, during this time, he focused on carefully discerning the individual strengths and weaknesses of each pitcher.(正在从膝盖手术中恢复的马丁没有参加洋基队最初的六场表演赛;然而,在这段时间里,他专注于仔细辨别每个投手的个人优势和劣势。)
–Sports - Astronomers may have the opportunity to observe the atmospheres and climates of the most significant and discerning planets yet to be discovered through future direct imaging efforts.(天文学家可能有机会观察未来直接成像工作尚未发现的最重要和最可分辨的行星的大气和气候。)
–Science - The growing applications of AI and computer automation play a significant role in highlighting and strengthening the focus on instantly gathering, organizing, and discerning the most relevant data for specific combat scenarios.(人工智能和计算机自动化的日益普及在强调和加强对即时收集、组织和识别特定战斗场景最相关数据的关注方面发挥着重要作用。)