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  • 发音:[dɪˈmɪnɪʃ]

  • 例句

  1. The verb diminish means to make something smaller or weaker in size, amount, or intensity. It can also refer to reducing the importance, value, or power of something. When something diminishes, it becomes less significant or effective than it was before.
  2. One other prejudice people have about mathematics is that its study somehow diminishes one’s feeling for nature and the “big” questions.
  3. The slavers had always been able to count on the support of English nobles, who resisted any change that might diminish their power.
  4. In early stages of food production, people simultaneously collected wild foods and raised cultivated ones, and diverse types of collecting activities diminished in importance at different times as reliance on crops increased.
  5. As Americans have fewer children and a diminishing share of young adults pursue a degree, the once-burgeoning market for college slots has kicked into reverse.

  • 解释

  1. Diminish这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to make something smaller or weaker in size, amount, importance, value, power, or intensity”这一含义,即“减少/削弱/贬低/缩小/下降”,与decrease/minimize/decline这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Over the last few years the novelty of Black Friday, which got its name because the rush of sales could change the retailers’ books from red to black, has slowly diminished.(在过去的几年里,黑色星期五的新颖性已经慢慢减少,黑色星期五之所以得名,是因为销售热潮可能会将零售商的书籍从红色变成黑色。)
  • After decades of work, researchers are finally seeing signs of success: a new generation of anti-obesity medications that drastically diminish weight without the serious side effects that have plagued previous efforts.(经过几十年的工作,研究人员终于看到了成功的迹象:新一代的抗肥胖药物可以大幅减轻体重,而不会像以前那样出现严重的副作用。)
  • The power on both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 is diminishing over time since the nuclear batteries that keep the spacecraft running are slowly decaying.(旅行者1号和旅行者2号的功率随着时间的推移而减少,因为保持航天器运行的核电池正在慢慢衰减。)
  • Since the pandemic, the presence of artists from beyond Philadelphia appears to have diminished, but the festival still includes more than 180 theater, performance art, dance, circus and comedy shows.(自大流行以来,来自费城以外的艺术家的存在似乎已经减少,但该节日仍然包括 180 多场戏剧、表演艺术、舞蹈、马戏团和喜剧表演。)


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