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- Diffidence refers to a state of hesitation, lack of self-confidence, or reluctance to assert oneself due to feelings of inadequacy or uncertainty about one’s abilities or judgments. It involves a sense of timidity or shyness, often leading to a reluctance to speak up or take action in social or professional situations.
- Showing diffidence can manifest as a reluctance to express opinions, participate in discussions, or take the lead in tasks or decision-making processes. It’s rooted in an internal belief of being unworthy or unqualified, leading individuals to hold back their thoughts or actions due to fear of judgment, criticism, or failure.
- The media lauded women successfully balancing demanding careers with motherhood, applauding their achievements, yet cautioned those delaying childbirth about potential regrets due to diffidence in making that crucial decision.
- One important lesson from the book suggests that individuals brought up in environments steeped in complex racial significance should approach their own convictions about race with diffidence, exercising a sense of caution or hesitancy and perhaps even considering a degree of skepticism towards those beliefs.
- Their favored hypothesis revolves around cultural distinctions, suggesting that professional analysts exhibit greater caution compared to the average pundit, and this sense of diffidence ultimately proves advantageous for their work.
- Diffidence这个单词做名词使用,其表示“a lack of self-confidence”这一含义,即“缺乏自信/羞怯/谦虚/谨慎”,与fearfulness /timidity /hesitance这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Within the tech domain, software engineers frequently demonstrate diffidence prior to software releases, prioritizing extensive testing to guarantee reliability and meet user demands.(在技术领域,软件工程师经常在软件发布之前表现出谨慎的态度,优先考虑广泛的测试,以保证可靠性并满足用户需求。)
–Technology - Foreigners often find it puzzling and concerning to witness the noticeable air of hesitation and amateurish behavior with which former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other contemporary Brexiteers have governed the United Kingdom, displaying a sense of diffidence in their leadership approach.(外国人经常感到困惑和担忧,目睹英国前首相鲍里斯·约翰逊和其他当代脱欧派统治英国时明显的犹豫和业余行为,在他们的领导方法中表现出一种胆怯感。)
–Politics - His character seemed naturally inclined towards modesty and diffidence, wherein humility played a vital part in fostering a strong sense of personal inadequacy, eventually becoming a defining aspect of his transformed self.(他的性格似乎天生倾向于谦虚和胆怯,这其中谦逊在培养强烈的个人不足感方面发挥了至关重要作用,从而最终成为他转变自我的一个决定性因素。)
–Arts and Culture - Prince Charles, known for his friendly yet reserved nature, fulfilled his role as the father of the bride with his customary affable diffidence, earning a heartfelt “Thank you, Pa” from his second son at the altar.(查尔斯王子以其友好而内敛的性格而闻名,他以他惯有的和蔼可亲的羞怯履行了他作为新娘父亲的角色,在祭坛上赢得了他的第二个儿子发自内心的“谢谢你,爸爸”。)