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  1. Desperate” is a word we use when someone feels like they’re in a really tough or hopeless situation, and they’re willing to do almost anything to change it. It shows how strong their need or desire is to make things better.
  2. For example, if you’re very hungry and there’s no food around, you might feel desperate to find something to eat. Or if someone is really sad because they lost something important, they might be desperate to find it. Desperate means they’re willing to try anything, even things they wouldn’t normally do, to fix the problem.
  3. In her desperate quest for something humorous to read, she turned to her friend, the writer Victoria Patterson, who promptly handed her an old copy of “My Search for Warren Harding.”
  4. Desperate for indications of success in the Federal Reserve’s battle against inflation, officials and American families are hoping for continued stability in the economy, particularly in the labor market, throughout 2023.
  5. Sitting with the second pick, the Houston Texans are still in a desperate search for a franchise quarterback, especially after trading Deshaun Watson to the Cleveland Browns just a season ago.
  6. In reality, there were doctors who engaged in illicit drug sales on the black market, while desperate patients traded their antibiotics for sustenance, and some negligent pharmacists mishandled prescriptions.

  1. Desperate这个单词做形容使用,其表示“showing extreme urgency or intensity especially because of great need or desire”这一含义,即“(因绝望)不惜冒险的/不顾一切的/迫切的/极其渴望的”,与bold/daring/urgent/dire这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Desperate for the next major innovation, investors are engaged in intense competition, willing to extend valuations in the nine-figure range to AI entrepreneurs who often have little more than a concept and a résumé to offer.(由于对下一个重大创新感到极度渴望,投资者正在进行激烈的竞争,他们愿意将给从事人工智能企业家的企业九位数估值,即使这些企业家通常只提供一个概念和简历。)
  • In a desperate attempt to reduce expenses, AT&T implemented further layoffs within Time Warner properties, such as HBO and DC, and closed down ventures like the beloved Vertigo label at DC Comics.(为了拼命减少开支,AT&T在HBO和DC等时代华纳旗下实施了进一步的裁员,并关闭了DC漫画公司心爱的Vertigo标签等企业。)
  • Within a New York City operating room, a team of surgeons delicately extracted the heart from a 43-year-old deceased man and promptly transported it to a patient nearby who was in desperate need of a replacement.(在纽约市的一间手术室内,一组外科医生小心翼翼地从一名43岁的死者身上提取了心脏,并迅速将其运送给附近迫切需要更换的病人。)
  • The quarterback-needy Pittsburgh Steelers, who happen to have the 20th pick, may not need to make a move up the draft board, as the teams ahead of them don’t seem desperate to secure a quarterback.(急需四分卫的匹兹堡钢人队——碰巧拥有第20顺位——也许不需要在选秀顺位上提前行动,因为他们前面的球队似乎不急于锁定四分卫。)
  • The Labor Department’s Tuesday report revealed that in September, there was a boost in job openings, with positions reaching 10.7 million, up from 10.3 million in August. This underscores the desperate need for workers that employers are experiencing.(劳工部周二的报告显示,9月份职位空缺有所增加,职位从8月份的1030万个增加到1070万个。这突显了雇主正在经历的对工人的迫切需求。)


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