
  1. To derogate means to cause somebody or something to seem lesser or inferior.
  2. The title of the newspaper article derogates the people it is about.
  3. Jenny’s parents are constantly derogating her achievements in arts.
  4. Such ubiquitous monitoring derogates the constitutionally protected right of parents to supervise their children.
  5. The key issue is who has the final authority to determine whether the play derogates the spirit or alters the characters.


  1. Derogate这个单词为动词,其表示“to cause somebody or something to seem lesser or inferior”这一含义,即“贬低/诋毁”,与depreciate/belittle/denigrate等单词构成近义词。我们可以用这个单词来表示derogate someone,其核心含义为“贬低某人/说某人坏话”。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:It is extremely common in politics to hear a candidate derogate his or her opponent, or for one political party to derogate another.(在政治中,我们经常听到某位候选人诋毁他/她的对手,或者一个政党贬低另外一个政党。)/I don’t think it is appropriate to derogate the powers of reason.(我认为诋毁理性推理的力量时不合适的。)



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