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- To denigrate means to criticize or belittle someone or something, often unfairly or with the intention of damaging their reputation or worth.
- While the business was financially successful, Mr. Franzia had many critics in the wine industry, who thought his approach denigrated the winemaking practice.
- After the hearing, the Education Department issued a statement calling the hearing “a cheap political show trial designed to personally attack and denigrate the Secretary of Education.”
- The women, ages 23 to 64, accused Amazon of favoring men over women in career growth, allowing supervisors to denigrate them, and retaliating after they complained.
- Last month, the intelligence community warned that a variety of countries are seeking to influence policy and elections — with Iran seeking to undermine President Trump and Russia working to denigrate Democratic nominee Joe Biden.
- Denigrate这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to criticize or belittle someone or something, often with the intention of damaging their reputation or worth”这一含义,即“诋毁/诽谤/贬低/污蔑/玷污”,与dismiss/disparage/belittle/defame/derogate等单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Some argue that all war movies are pro-war movies, critics maintain that cop shows inescapably glorify police officers and denigrate perpetrators.(有人认为所有战争电影都是亲战电影,评论家认为警察节目不可避免地美化警察并诋毁肇事者。)
—Arts and Culture - Iran’s state-run film industry boycotted this year’s Oscars in the wake of a U.S.-made Internet video clip that denigrated the Prophet Muhammad and set off protests across the Muslim world.(伊朗国营电影业抵制了今年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼,此前美国制作的互联网视频剪辑诋毁了先知穆罕默德,并在穆斯林世界引发了抗议活动。)
—Arts and Culture - Plenty of people are puzzled that Oprah Winfrey’s network OWN is partnering with actor Tyler Perry whose trademark humor regularly mocks and denigrates assertive black women.(很多人对奥普拉·温弗瑞的网络OWN与演员泰勒·佩里合作感到困惑,因为泰勒·佩里的标志性幽默经常嘲笑和诋毁自信的黑人女性。)
—Arts and Culture - Any accusation that the Chinese government participated in cyber-attacks, either in an explicit or indirect way, is groundless and aims to denigrate China.(任何关于中国政府参与网络攻击的指控,无论是明示的还是间接的,都是毫无根据的,旨在诋毁中国。)