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- “Delicate” is an adjective that describes things that are sensitive and easily affected by even small changes or pressures. Imagine a soap bubble – if you poke it too roughly, it bursts. Delicate things are like that bubble; they can be easily harmed or changed by even a little pressure or touch.
- Think about a delicate piece of jewelry. It might be made of fine materials that could get scratched or broken if you’re not gentle. Delicate fabrics, like lace or thin silk, can tear easily. Delicate situations are like handling a balancing act – if you make a wrong move, things can go wrong.
- A decline in demand in China might have repercussions across both advanced and developing economies, prompting a requirement for increased financial support from Beijing. However, managing this task is a delicate challenge, as implementing forceful stimulus measures could exacerbate debt vulnerabilities and create structural imbalances.
- Messi’s playing style is a testament to the delicate artistry of football, where his nimble footwork and exquisite control over the ball allow him to navigate through opposing defenses with finesse and finesse, creating opportunities and moments of brilliance that define his legacy as one of the sport’s greatest players.
- Oppenheimer‘s contributions to the field of nuclear physics were marked by his delicate balance of groundbreaking theoretical insights and meticulous experimental design, paving the way for transformative advancements in our understanding of the atomic realm.
- Microsoft’s success in the tech industry hinges on its ability to navigate the delicate task of innovating while maintaining user-friendly interfaces, a balance that has propelled the company to the forefront of software and hardware development.
- Delicate这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“sensitive and easily affected by even small changes or pressures”这一含义,即“易碎的/敏感的/微妙的/需要小心处理的/细腻的”,与fragile/sensitive/subtile这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Nestled within the climate-controlled archival room, the delicate first edition of “To Kill a Mockingbird,” authored by Harper Lee, lay beneath a transparent cover, its pages as fragile as the memories it held, a literary treasure requiring the gentlest touch for both its preservation and the passing down of its profound narrative to future generations.(哈珀·李撰写的《杀死一只知更鸟》的精致初版被放置在气候控制的档案室中,躺在透明的封面下,它的页面和它所包含的记忆一样脆弱,这是一件文学宝藏,需要最温柔的触摸来保存它,并将其深刻的叙事传递给后代。)
–Arts and Culture - Within the intricate realm of 3D printing, achieving flawless results demands a delicate interplay of factors such as temperature, material viscosity, and print speed, all meticulously balanced to create intricate designs with utmost precision.(在复杂的 3D 打印领域,实现完美的结果需要温度、材料粘度和打印速度等因素的微妙相互作用,所有这些都经过精心平衡,以最高的精度创建复杂的设计。)
–Technology - In the field of neuroscience, researchers embarked on a delicate journey to map the intricate neural connections of the human brain, employing advanced imaging techniques to unveil the complex network that underlies our thoughts and behaviors.(在神经科学领域,研究人员踏上了一段微妙的旅程,绘制人脑错综复杂的神经连接图,采用先进的成像技术来揭示构成我们思想和行为基础的复杂网络。)
–Science - With a delicate touch and unwavering focus, the gymnast executed a series of graceful movements on the balance beam, showcasing her exceptional skill in maintaining poise and precision even on such a narrow platform.(凭借细腻的触感和坚定不移的专注力,这位体操运动员在平衡木上执行了一系列优雅的动作,展示了她即使在如此狭窄的平台上也能保持镇定和精确的非凡技巧。)
–Sports - In the world of international trade, successful negotiations require a delicate balance between achieving favorable terms for one’s company and nurturing strong, long-lasting relationships with partners across the globe.(在国际贸易领域,成功的谈判需要在为公司争取有利条件与与全球合作伙伴建立牢固、持久的关系之间取得微妙的平衡。)
–Business - Under the delicate guidance of renowned chef Gordon Ramsay, the culinary team crafted an exquisite dish that balanced flavors with precision, presenting a harmonious blend of tastes that delighted even the most discerning palates.(在著名厨师戈登·拉姆齐的精心指导下,烹饪团队精心制作了一道精致的菜肴,精确地平衡了风味,呈现出和谐的口味融合,即使是最挑剔的味蕾也能满意。)