发音: [dɪˈfaɪ]
- “Defy” means to refuse to obey or follow something. It’s like saying no to rules or orders. When you defy something, you’re going against it or challenging it. For example, if you don’t listen to your teacher’s instructions, you’re defying their rules. People might defy authority or rules when they strongly disagree or want to do things their own way.
- The greater challenge in predicting tornadoes compared to thunderstorms, blizzards, droughts, hurricanes, and other forms of extreme weather lies in the fact that these tempestuous funnels actively defy conventional weather-tracking methods.
- You defied me in public, so I had no choice but to publicly put you in your place. In the future, you need to hold your opinions until we are alone.
- The Bank of England held interest rates at record low levels on Thursday, defying market expectations for a rate increase to tackle rising inflation.
- Russia has spent the last few months amassing a scrappy fleet of over 100 tankers to cart its oil to willing buyers, hoping to defy the EU sanctions that went into effect on Monday.
- 单词defy为动词,其表示”resist or confront with resistance”,即“公开拒绝执行、藐视或公然破坏”某项规则、制度、措施等,其与refuse/resist/challenge/disobey这些单词构成近义词。 当这个单词后面跟某人时,主要表示公然挑战某人。
- 使用场景如下:
- The government, initially defying austerity enforced by international banks and donors through fertilizer subsidies for farmers, later conceded and prioritized loan repayment at their demands.(政府试图通过为农民提供化肥补贴来对抗国际银行和捐助方强加的紧缩政策,但最终在他们的要求下让步,优先考虑贷款偿还。)
—Science - In Chinese tradition, children are told not to defy their parents.(在中国传统中,孩子们被告知不要违抗父母。)
—Culture - Millions of Iranian women and men are summoning equally inspiring courage to defy their theocratic rulers’ dress and moral codes.(数以百万计的伊朗男女正在鼓起同样鼓舞人心的勇气,反抗神权统治者的着装和道德准则。)
—Culture - Rarely has an executive, like Mr. Musk, who has consistently defied typical corporate conventions, openly stated their views on political matters before an election, despite holding substantial influence over such discourse.(很少有像马斯克这样一贯反对典型公司惯例的高管在选举前公开表达他们对政治问题的看法,尽管他对这种言论有很大的影响力。)
- —Technology