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  1. Decorum refers to behaving in a way that is considered polite and appropriate for a particular situation or place. It involves following certain rules and conventions, such as using polite language, dressing appropriately, and showing respect for others.
  2. Many people who like the British monarchy appreciate how they always follow a certain way of behaving called decorum.
  3. You wouldn’t think Jeremiah Tower, who wrote “Table Manners: How to Behave in the Modern World and Why Bother,” would be the person to write about decorum.
  4. If someone is going to represent your business online, they should show they can control themselves and act with decorum on their personal social media accounts too.
  5. We expect that the event yesterday will give our coaches and student-athletes the chance to think about what happened, learn from it, and move forward in a way that shows they can behave with decorum and leadership on and off the court.
  6. The book presents scientific arguments that the scientific community should be allowed to judge on their own, instead of being stopped by your arbitrary, self-righteous rules about decorum.


  1. Decorum这个单词做名词使用,其表示“socially acceptable behavior”这一含义,即“礼貌得体/端庄稳重/礼仪/体统”,与etiquette/decency这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Many of the traditional meeting protocols are abandoned, replaced with an idealistic trust in basic human decency and decorum.(许多传统的会议协议被抛弃,取而代之的是对基本人类体面和礼仪的理想主义信任。)
  • The company did not appear to value the challenge and users of color reported that their posts were being removed under unclear rules of decorum.(该公司似乎并不重视这一挑战,有色人种用户报告说,他们的帖子在礼仪规则不明确的情况下被删除。)
  • To be honest, giving in to anger and frustration, disregarding the decorum we typically adhere to in our daily lives, was incredibly invigorating.(老实说,屈服于愤怒和沮丧,无视我们在日常生活中通常坚持的礼仪,令人难以置信地振奋人心。)
  • He lost his usual decorum and used foul language during a news conference on Friday after being accused of being able to control the timing of his matches.(在被指控能够控制比赛时间后,他在周五的新闻发布会上失去了通常的礼貌得体并使用了粗言秽语。)
  • According to a statement by the town’s lawyer, John J. Davis, the court’s decision serves as a caution to local officials that enforcing even small rules of order and decorum during public meetings may not be allowed.(根据该镇律师约翰·J·戴维斯的声明,法院的裁决是对当地官员的警告,即使是很小的秩序和礼仪规则也可能不允许在公开会议上执行。)
  • At the start of the morning proceedings, her attorneys objected to her being photographed, citing a violation of courthouse decorum.(在上午的诉讼开始时,她的律师反对她被拍照,理由是违反了法院礼仪。)


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