
Image by Ahmed akacha

  • 发音:[ˈdesɪˌmeɪt]

  • 例句

  1. The word decimate originally means to kill one-tenth of a group, especially as a form of punishment in the Roman army. However, today it is more commonly used to mean to severely reduce or destroy a large proportion of something, whether it be a population, a resource, or an organization.
  2. Why didn’t Native Americans, Africans, and Aboriginal Australians have the power to decimate, subjugate, or exterminate Europeans and Asians?
  3. The pandemic has caused significant damage to movie theaters of all sizes, decimating their business.
  4. More than 1,000 homes were burned, hundreds more were looted and destroyed, and Black Wall Street was decimated.
  5. Due to lockdowns, a small business owner’s revenue had been decimated, leaving her with difficult decisions to make regarding her financial security and that of her 14 employees.
  6. The mainstream view attributes the decline of a species to hunting, but newer research suggests that their population began to decimate long before humans arrived.
  7. With layoffs and resignations decimating Twitter’s engineering team, Mr. Musk relied on Tesla and SpaceX employees to handle technical matters.

  • 解释
  1. Decimate这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to cause great destruction or harm to something”这一含义,即“大量毁灭/严重破坏/大大削弱”,与demolish/devastate/destroy/ruin这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Despite the US government’s efforts to decimate the Navajo Nation, which has resulted in generations without safe water, the culture continues to endure.(尽管美国政府努力摧毁纳瓦霍民族,导致几代人没有安全用水,但这种文化仍在继续。)
  • With the arrival of the internet, Google and Facebook became intermediaries between publishers and readers, leveraging their position to dominate digital advertising and decimate newspapers’ advertising business model.(随着互联网的到来,谷歌和Facebook成为出版商和读者之间的中介,利用它们的地位主导数字广告并摧毁报纸的广告商业模式。)
  • The Department of Agriculture has developed the first vaccine for honeybees, which could pave the way for controlling viruses and pests that decimate bee populations globally.(农业部已经开发出第一种蜜蜂疫苗,这可能为控制导致全球蜜蜂种群大量减少的病毒和害虫铺平道路。)
  • The team has been severely affected by a coronavirus outbreak, which has decimated its roster, impacting more than two dozen players, eight assistant coaches, and multiple staff members.(该团队受到冠状病毒爆发的严重影响,该爆发摧毁了其选拔名单,影响了二十多名球员、八名助理教练和多名工作人员。)
  • When the pandemic decimated Mexico’s tourism industry and artist incomes, he organized a competition for artists and published a book featuring 27 of their entries.(当大流行摧毁了墨西哥的旅游业和艺术家收入时,他组织了一场艺术家比赛,并出版了一本收录了 27 件作品的书。)


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