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- “Debilitate” is a word that describes a condition where something or someone becomes very weak or loses strength. When something or someone is debilitated, they are unable to function or perform tasks as well as they normally would.
- Imagine you have a strong and healthy body that allows you to do various activities like running, lifting things, and playing sports. However, if you suddenly fall ill or get injured, your body may become debilitated.
- Similarly, if a machine or a system is debilitated, it means that it is not working properly or efficiently. It may be damaged or experiencing a malfunction, which affects its ability to perform its intended tasks. This can lead to a decrease in productivity or effectiveness.
- Scientists, backed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), have unveiled a comprehensive set of 12 symptoms to identify long Covid, a condition that debilitates individuals, thus advancing the search for potential treatments.
- Experts argue that one of the challenges stems from the vagueness of long Covid symptoms, which can encompass a wide spectrum including profound exhaustion, debilitated sense of taste and smell, and heart palpitations that significantly weaken individuals.
- Our encounters with debilitating fatigue, bodily discomfort, persistent headaches, worsening vision, and involuntary weight loss propelled us into numerous medical consultations, instilling within us a multitude of unsettling inquiries rather than reassuring answers.
- Despite the spread of the Delta variant, governments have intensified their vaccination efforts in order to prevent debilitating new shutdowns, enabling the global economy to continue its recovery that commenced earlier this year.
- Debilitate这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to reduce or weaken the strength of”这一含义,即“使身心衰弱/使衰竭/使虚弱/削弱(人物、机构等)的力量”,与weaken /impair /drain /diminish这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- While the United States exhibits economic robustness, Europe faces a contrasting scenario, prompting policymakers to consider additional stimulus measures to mitigate the threat of deflation, which is a debilitating state characterized by declining prices and wages.(虽然美国表现出经济稳健,但欧洲面临着截然不同的情景,促使政策制定者考虑采取额外的刺激措施来减轻通货紧缩的威胁,通货紧缩是一个以物价和工资下降为特征的衰弱状态。)
–Business - Nowinski, who was formerly an athlete in both football at Harvard and professional wrestling, made the decision to retire from sports almost twenty years ago due to the severe impact of multiple concussions. These concussions resulted in him experiencing debilitating headaches and depression.(诺文斯基以前是哈佛大学橄榄球和职业摔跤的运动员,由于多次脑震荡的严重影响,他在大约二十年前决定退出体育运动。这些脑震荡导致他经历虚弱的头痛和抑郁。)
–Sports - To investigate the potential hindrance of blood clotting in chronically immobile individuals, the researchers juxtaposed blood samples from patients afflicted by debilitating spinal injuries with samples extracted from their physically active counterparts.(为了研究长期不动的个体血液凝固的潜在障碍,研究人员将患有衰弱性脊柱损伤的患者的血液样本与从身体活跃的对应物中提取的样本并列进行比较。)
–Science - Gladwell, renowned for his works such as The Tipping Point, Blink, and Outliers, cites an expanding body of research that indicates a potential connection between the head-impact injuries frequently sustained by football players during both training sessions and matches, and the development of debilitating neurological disorders.(格拉德威尔以其作品而闻名,如「引爆点」,「眨眼之间」和「异类」,引用了越来越多的研究表明,足球运动员在训练和比赛中经常遭受的头部撞击伤害与衰弱性神经系统疾病的发展之间存在潜在联系。)
–Technology - When anxiety reaches a problematic level, it has the potential to severely debilitate both your mental and physical well-being, leading to a variety of significant conditions such as burnout, cardiac disorders, gastrointestinal issues, hypertension, migraine headaches, and even dementia.(当焦虑达到有问题的水平时,它有可能严重削弱您的身心健康,导致各种重大疾病,如倦怠、心脏疾病、胃肠道问题、高血压、偏头痛,甚至痴呆。)