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- The word cumbersome means awkward or difficult to handle, usually because of its size, weight, or complexity, and can be an obstacle to movement or efficiency.
- While these security steps can be cumbersome and cause lines to move slowly, Dankers said they are put in place in direct response to security threats.
- The inescapable reality is that Brexit established a trade barrier between Northern Ireland and the rest of the United Kingdom, leading to cumbersome delays at customs checkpoints, and other thorny issues.
- To date, monkeypox testing has been handled by a network of public health laboratories and requires a cumbersome process that many physicians are not familiar with, according to some critics.
- They believe most of today’s methods for controlling smart devices — voice control, fiddly apps with multiple menus, motion sensors — are cumbersome and sometimes frustrating.
- Cumbersome这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“difficult to handle or use especially because of size, weight, or complexity”这一含义,即“大而笨重的/难以携带的/缓慢复杂的/冗长的/麻烦的/累赘的”等含义,与clumsy/awkward/inept这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Google Lens, the search giant’s powerful image recognition software, is becoming slightly less cumbersome to use within the Chrome browser on desktop.(谷歌镜头是搜索巨头谷歌旗下强大的图像识别软件,在桌面Chrome浏览器中使用起来变得不那么麻烦了。)
—Technology - To meet those goals, the city government selected suitable sites for new farms and invited firms to bid for the plots, streamlining the cumbersome procedures normally required to find land for raising pigs.(为了实现这些目标,市政府为新农场选择了合适的地点,并邀请公司竞标这些地块,简化了寻找养猪土地通常需要的繁琐程序。)
—Business - Since traditional cricket bats are too heavy and cumbersome for the lighter tennis balls, Ali sensed opportunity in the growing enthusiasm for tennis ball cricket and began importing lighter bats from India in 2015.(由于传统的板球棒对于较轻的网球来说太重和笨重,阿里在对网球板球日益增长的热情中感受到了机会,并于2015年开始从印度进口较轻的球棒。)
—Sports - Software developers say the Android process is cumbersome, and most customers do not use that option.(软件开发人员表示,Android流程很麻烦,大多数客户不使用该选项。)