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  • 发音:[ˈkʌlpəb(ə)l]

  • 例句

  1. The word “culpable” describes someone who is deserving of blame or responsibility for a wrongful act or wrongdoing, often due to negligence or fault.
  2. This is a rare instance when the system broke down, and someone should be held legally culpable for the tragic consequences.
  3. The case was eventually dismissed in the Supreme Court, because the court was unwilling to find the US companies culpable for something happening in supply chains that are buried in other countries.
  4. Daisey does not hold Apple alone responsible for turning a blind eye to worker exploitation; he acknowledges that many tech companies who outsource manufacturing are equally culpable.
  5. Prosecutors in two other counties recently closed investigations into him, significantly diminishing the likelihood that he would be found criminally culpable for his behavior toward women.

  • 解释

  1. Culpable这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil”这一含义,即“应受责备的/难辞其咎的/有罪的/应受谴责的”,与guilty/blamable/punishable这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • Most important, those alive today are not culpable for misconduct that took place long before they were born, and it would be unjust to hold them responsible for it.(最重要的是,今天活着的人不会为早在他们出生之前就发生的不当行为负责,让他们对此负责是不公正的。)
  • The company disclosed the email to the government, opened an internal investigation and ultimately fired employees viewed as culpable.(该公司向政府披露了这封电子邮件,展开了内部调查,并最终解雇了被视为有罪的员工。)
  • This concluded that only one of the two cases was likely to be related to the injections, and because the patient understood the risk the company was not culpable.(这得出的结论是,两例病例中只有一起可能与注射有关,并且由于患者了解风险,因此公司没有罪责。)
  • The justices’ decisions were based in part on briefs from medical experts arguing that juveniles’ underdeveloped brains, immaturity and impulsiveness made them less culpable for their actions.(法官的决定部分基于医学专家的简报,他们认为青少年的大脑发育不全,不成熟和冲动使他们对自己的行为的罪责较小。)


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