• 发音:[ˈkaʊərdɪs]

  • 例句

  1. If we say someone shows cowardice in the face of danger, such as bullying, or threatening, we express the idea that person lacks of courage or bravery.
  2. The candidate is losing supporters by his cowardice, since he is not courageous enough to fight the income inequality problem permeated in this society.
  3. The opposite of bravery is not cowardice but conformity — Robert Anthony Hatcher, American politician during the American Civil War.
  4. I have often heard it said that cowardice is the mother of cruelty, and I have found by experience that cruel and inhuman hatred and fierceness are usually accompanied by weakness.
  5. Covid-19 weakened America’s political immune system, leaving the country vulnerable to confusion, panic, unease and cowardice.

  • 解释:

  1. Cowardice这个单词为名词,其表示“a lack of courage or bravery to stand up against a danger”这一含义,即“懦弱/惧怕/胆小”,与fearfulness/timidity/diffidence这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • The party must put an end to its moral cowardice and finally and frontally confront the problem within.(该党派必须结束其道德上的怯懦,并最终正面地面对内部问题。)
  • The CEO’s refusal to sign the law was interpreted as an act of cowardice by some media.(首席执行官拒绝签署法律被一些媒体解释为懦弱。)
  • Changing positions in the face of severe opposition can sometimes be viewed as courageous, at other times sheer cowardice.(面对严厉的反对,改变立场有时可以被视为勇敢,有时则被视为纯粹的懦弱。)


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