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  • 发音:[ˈkɑŋɡruənt]

  • 例句

  1. When used in a non-geometrical context, congruent can mean that two or more things are compatible, consistent, or in harmony with each other. For example, you might say that your actions are congruent with your values, meaning that your behavior aligns with what you believe is important.
  2. The abilities needed for a musician and an automotive designer share many congruent qualities.
  3. The method of distributing food in this manner is not congruent with the way the state allocates resources to programs that tackle childhood hunger during the summer.
  4. Innovation, pioneering discoveries, and imagination can be celebrated, as long as research and its practical applications remain congruent with established and commonly accepted social principles.
  5. Certain countries, such as Japan, never established a robust regulatory body that aligned congruently with global standards, and this has resulted in significant consequences.

  • 解释:

  1. Congruent这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“being compatible, consistent, or in harmony with each other”这一含义,即“适合的/适当的/一致的”,与compatible/harmonious/congruous/consistent这些单词构成近义词。
  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Although establishing a set of values that are congruent with an organization may be unique to each group, here are three strategies to help keep you on track.(尽管建立一组与组织一致的价值观对于每个组来说可能是唯一的,但这里有三种策略可以帮助您保持正轨。)
  • The company’s goal to broaden and increase its range of distinct media brands is in congruent with its bid for the print and online assets of Newsweek.(该公司扩大和增加其独特媒体品牌范围的目标与其对《新闻周刊》印刷和在线资产的竞标一致。)
  • Artifacts that arise from the practical experience of artists are a domain that is congruent with the aesthetic dimension of human interaction in the social environment.(从艺术家的实践经验中产生的人工制品是一个与社会环境中人类互动的美学维度相一致的领域。)


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