  1. A confederacy refers to a group of people, countries, organizations, etc. joined together for a common purpose or by a common interest.
  2. They formed a confederacy, a group whose members share the same goals.
  3. The most famous American confederacy consisted of the southern states who fought the northern states in the American Civil War.
  4. For the other nations in the confederacy, the benefits of allying with either side were not clear-cut.
  5. Around 1600, in what is today New York State, five different nations joined to establish a league or a confederacy.
  6. Emancipation of the enslaved in 1863, the defeat of the Confederate states in 1865, and postwar Reconstruction did not prevent the reestablishment of an informal confederacy.

  1. Confederacy这个单词为名词,其表示”an organization formed by a group of people, countries, organizations, etc. for a common purpose or by a common interest.” 这一含义,即“一群人/组织机构/国家等为了一个共同的目的而组织起来形成的一个同盟/联盟”,与union/league/alliance/confederation/federation构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Their first attempt — gathering a confederacy of Italian luxury companies — proved unsuccessful almost immediately. (他们首次尝试将意大利的奢侈品公司组织起来形成联盟这一做法被证明是取得了显著的成效。)
  • The Yakuza is a secret confederacy of criminal fraternities.(黑帮是犯罪兄弟会的秘密联盟。)
  • Madison carefully prepared for the convention with thorough research in classical political theory, the history of ancient republics and confederacies, and the current politics of the states.(麦迪逊通过对古典政治理论、古代共和国和邦联的历史以及各州当前政治的深入研究,为大会精心准备。)



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