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- The word “condone” means to accept or overlook something that is typically considered wrong or unacceptable. It implies allowing or forgiving behavior or actions that one might disapprove of in other circumstances.
- It’s important to note that the word “condone” often carries a negative connotation because it suggests permitting or excusing actions that go against accepted standards or morals. It’s typically used when someone or a group of people is seen as tolerating behavior that should be discouraged or condemned.
- While few music educators would openly condone blackface, many still continue to teach and distribute songs associated with 19th-century minstrel performances, including choir and band directors and music publishers.
- Despite its partnership with Ye on various fashion endeavors, Balenciaga has recently come under scrutiny for allegations that it may have condoned child exploitation.
- In several countries, including the United States, the presence of weak legal penalties against sexual violence perpetrators can inadvertently condone and foster such behavior, even in regions with relatively high gender equality rankings.
- In response to the plan’s announcement, Rotten Tomatoes emphasized its appreciation for passionate fans who wish to engage in discussions about a film’s qualities; however, the platform strongly reaffirmed that it does not condone or support any instances of hate speech, underlining its commitment to maintaining a respectful and constructive community for movie enthusiasts.
- Condone这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to regard or treat something bad as acceptable, forgivable, or harmless”这一含义,即“容忍/纵容/宽恕”,与forgive /overlook /ignore /disregard这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Dr. Hernandez, a leading scientist in the field, vehemently asserted that the scientific community must not condone the manipulation of research data, as it not only undermines scientific progress but also erodes public trust in research institutions.(该领域的领先科学家埃尔南德斯博士强烈主张,科学界绝不能容忍对研究数据的操纵,因为它不仅破坏科学进步,而且侵蚀公众对研究机构的信任。)
–Science - In a strongly-worded statement, the sports league’s commissioner, Mr. Johnson, made it abundantly clear that the organization would not condone any form of doping among athletes, pledging to enforce rigorous anti-doping measures to maintain the spirit of fair play and sportsmanship.(在一份措辞强硬的声明中,体育联盟专员约翰逊先生非常明确地表示,该组织不会容忍运动员使用任何形式的兴奋剂,并承诺执行严格的反兴奋剂措施,以维护公平竞争和体育精神。)
–Sports - The tech company’s spokesperson, Ms. Patel, underscored their commitment to user privacy by stating they would not condone any breaches of user data security, outlining rigorous safeguards and proactive measures to protect user information.(这家科技公司的发言人帕特尔强调了他们对用户隐私的承诺,表示他们不会容忍任何违反用户数据安全的行为,并概述了保护用户信息的严格保障措施和积极措施。)
–Technology - During a shareholders’ meeting, CEO Anderson made it unequivocally clear that the company, founded on strong ethical principles, would never condone any dubious financial dealings, reiterating their commitment to maintaining a transparent and morally upright corporate culture, which they believed was pivotal to long-term success and fostering trust among investors and clients.(在股东大会上,首席执行官安德森明确表示,公司建立在严格的道德原则之上,绝不会容忍任何可疑的金融交易,重申他们致力于维护透明和道德正直的企业文化,他们认为这对长期成功和培养投资者和客户之间的信任至关重要。)
–Business - In an open letter, the renowned film director, Mr. Anderson, vociferously condemned discrimination in the entertainment industry, pledging that he would not condone any form of bias on his film sets and actively promoting diversity and inclusivity to create a more equitable creative environment.(在一封公开信中,著名电影导演安德森先生大声谴责娱乐业的歧视,承诺他不会宽恕对他的电影布景的任何形式的偏见,并积极促进多样性和包容性,以创造一个更公平的创作环境。)