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  1. The word collective means when a group of people work together as a team, making decisions or taking actions as a whole. It is about everyone in the group contributing their efforts and ideas towards a shared goal. When something is described as collective, it suggests that it involves the combined power or involvement of many people working together.
  2. Although the group of producers collectively agreed to extend supply cuts, the United Arab Emirates was granted permission to increase its production limit for the upcoming year.
  3. By comprehending the mechanisms through which an additional chromosome 21 contributes to these vulnerabilities and strengths, it has the potential to advance the collective knowledge surrounding significant medical conditions that also impact the broader population.
  4. The floodlights, lanterns, and lamps continue to radiate their collective brilliance, illuminating the surroundings to such an extent that in the future, individuals will recall witnessing its radiance even from a distance of ten miles.
  5. They can collectively raise their voices to support health measures that are based on evidence, shed light on and oppose the detrimental impacts of commercial influences on health and fairness, and demand that both commercial entities and governments are held responsible for their actions..
  6. By the end of the week, certain shares had experienced a 20 percent decline, resulting in a collective market value loss of $51 billion for the companies involved, as the Adani Group refuted the allegations and warned Hindenburg of potential legal consequences.

  1. Collective这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“characteristic of individuals acting together”这一含义,即“集体的/共有的/共同的/全体成员的”,与collaborative/joint/mutual这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Similar to Apple, Starbucks has referenced its dedication to upholding the International Labor Organization’s principles, which include the right to freedom of association and participation in collective bargaining.(与苹果类似,星巴克也表示致力于维护国际劳工组织的原则,其中包括结社自由权和参与共同谈判的权利。)
  • In an upcoming vote, minor league baseball players are poised to formally endorse their initial collective bargaining agreement with major league owners on Thursday, perfectly timed to coincide with the opening of their season at various ballparks across the nation this weekend.(在即将到来的投票中,小联盟棒球运动员准备在周四正式批准他们与大联盟老板的初步集体谈判协议,这正恰逢本周末在全国各个棒球场开始他们的赛季。)
  • Emerging studies in the field of collective neuroscience are uncovering unexpected parallels in the brains of individuals as they engage in interactions, particularly among closely connected pairs or between proficient educators and their students.(集体神经科学领域的新兴研究正在揭示个人大脑中意想不到的相似之处,因为他们参与互动,特别是在紧密联系的配对之间或熟练的教育工作者与学生之间。)
  • Rather than garnering a substantial following and enticing individuals to acquire non-fungible tokens, crypto-based video games have sparked widespread public anger due to the perceived greed of developers, resulting in a collective outcry.(基于加密的视频游戏没有收获大量追随者并激发个人获得不可替代的代币,相反,该游戏由于开发人员的贪婪而引发了广泛的公众愤怒,最终引来集体抗议。)
  • Adrienne Maree Brown’s book “Emergent Strategy,” published in 2017, has become a pivotal resource for individuals working at the intersection of art and social justice, as it highlights the significance of collective leadership in driving meaningful societal transformation.(Adrienne Maree Brown于2017年出版的《紧急战略》一书已成为在艺术和社会正义交叉领域工作的个人的关键资源,因为它强调了集体领导在推动有意义的社会转型方面的重要性。)


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