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  1. Imagine when someone does something wrong or makes a mistake, and another person talks to them in a serious way to tell them it wasn’t okay. That’s what “chastise” means. It’s like when a parent talks sternly to a child who didn’t follow the rules, or a teacher corrects a student for not doing their homework. It’s a way of letting someone know they did something they shouldn’t have done, and helping them learn from it so they don’t do it again.
  2. For example, if your friend borrowed your toy without asking and broke it, you might chastise them by telling them that wasn’t right and they should have asked. Or if someone forgets to clean their room after playing, a parent might chastise them by explaining why it’s important to be responsible.
  3. Chastised by the New York Post, the Big-Apple-based social media star received criticism for obtaining a coronavirus test from a doctor friend amid a nationwide shortage of testing kits.
  4. Upon his hiring by Mr. Bennet, Bret Stephens, the notable conservative columnist, stirred controversy with his debut Times column, where he chastised individuals for their “moral superiority” towards climate-change skeptics, eliciting strong reader reactions.
  5. After the match, Coach Johnson didn’t hold back as he chastised the star striker Smith for his unsportsmanlike conduct on the field, emphasizing that such behavior not only tarnished the team’s reputation but also set a poor example for aspiring athletes.
  6. Dr. Anderson’s groundbreaking research faced significant scrutiny from her colleagues, who chastised her for overlooking critical data points in her experiment and questioned the validity of her findings, prompting a rigorous reevaluation of her conclusions.
  7. The recent data breach at TechCorp led to widespread outrage as cybersecurity experts chastised the company’s CEO, Davis, for inadequate protection measures and negligence in safeguarding user information, triggering calls for stronger data security regulations in the tech industry.

  1. Chastise这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to criticize (someone) severely or angrily especially for personal failings”这一含义,即“批评/指责/责备”,与criticize/scold/castigate这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • The renowned film critic Smith didn’t hold back in his scathing review of director Johnson’s latest movie, chastising the film for its lack of originality and shallow character development, leaving audiences disappointed.(著名影评人史密斯毫不犹豫地对导演约翰逊的最新电影进行了严厉的评价,斥责该片缺乏原创性和肤浅的角色发展,让观众失望。)
  • In the world of finance, investors chastised CEO Brown of GlobalBank for his reckless decision-making that led to a significant drop in the company’s stock price, sparking concerns about his leadership and prompting calls for a change in management.(在金融界,投资者谴责全球银行首席执行官布朗的鲁莽决策导致公司股价大幅下跌,引发了对他领导力的担忧,并促使人们呼吁改变管理层。)
  • Upon discovering that their teenager had lied about attending a party, the parents chastised their child for breaking their trust, emphasizing the importance of honesty and responsible decision-making in order to maintain a healthy parent-child relationship.(在发现他们的青少年谎称参加聚会时,父母责备他们的孩子破坏了他们的信任,强调诚实和负责任的决策对于维持健康的亲子关系的重要性。)
  • Following the championship game, Coach Rodriguez publicly chastised the star quarterback Davis for his poor decision-making on the field, emphasizing that his reckless passes not only cost the team points but also undermined their chances of victory.(冠军赛结束后,罗德里格斯教练公开谴责明星四分卫戴维斯在场上的糟糕决策,强调他鲁莽的传球不仅让球队失分,还破坏了他们获胜的机会。)
  • Dr. Patel’s groundbreaking research was met with skepticism as fellow scientists chastised her for failing to provide adequate evidence to support her revolutionary theory, prompting a heated debate within the scientific community about the validity of her claims.(帕特尔博士的开创性研究遭到了怀疑,因为其他科学家指责她未能提供足够的证据来支持她的革命性理论,这在科学界引发了关于她主张有效性的激烈辩论。)
  • Amid the release of the highly anticipated smartphone, tech enthusiasts chastised the company’s founder, Johnson, for prioritizing flashy features over practical functionality, leading to numerous customer complaints and concerns about the device’s usability.(在备受期待的智能手机发布期间,技术爱好者谴责该公司的创始人约翰逊优先考虑华丽的功能而不是实用功能,导致许多客户抱怨和对设备可用性的担忧。)


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