Image by jackscoldsweat

  • 发音:[senˈsɔriəs]

  • 例句

  1. When using the word censorious to describe a person or an organization, we want to suggest that person or organization has a tendency to judge everything by unreasonably strict standards.
  2. These artists fear for the current and future viability of their work in an environment that gets more censorious each year.
  3. Culture warriors, mostly on the right, charge that the platform has become a censorious extension of an identity-politics-obsessed liberal establishment.
  4. At a recent conference he said that web blocking could be used by censorious governments to filter out content they deemed politically sensitive.
  5. Facebook is also facing complaints from critics who argue the network is not censorious enough and is failing to root-out extremist or abusive content.

  • 解释:

  1. Censorious这个单词做形容词,其表示“marked by harshly critical or given to censure”这一含义,即“爱挑剔的/吹毛求疵的/受审查的/严苛的”,与critical/hypercritical/captious这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • At a recent conference he said that web blocking could be used by censorious governments to filter content they deemed politically sensitive.(在最近的一次会议上,他说,审查政府可能会利用网络封锁来过滤他们认为政治敏感的内容。)
  • He has used his considerable influence — he has 85 million Twitter followers — to express dissatisfaction about what he sees as a censorious liberal culture in technology and media.(他利用自己相当大的影响力——他拥有8500万Twitter粉丝——猛烈抨击他认为在技术和媒体领域存在审查的自由文化。)
    —Arts and Culture
  • Some users Friday argued that Truth Social, which has promoted itself as a free-speech shrine to rival what they call Twitter’s censorious “cancel culture,” had worked to suppress discussion of the hearing outright.(一些用户周五辩称,Truth Social将自己宣传为言论自由的避难所,以与他们所谓的Twitter的审查性“取消文化”相媲美,它一直在努力彻底压制对听证会的讨论。)
  • Under the censorious restrictions of the period none of this is spelled out explicitly, which makes it more powerful: the reader’s mind imagines the worst of all scenarios.(在那个时期的审查严格限制下,这些都没有明确地阐明,这使得它更加强大:读者的头脑想象着所有场景中最糟糕的情况。)


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