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- A caricature is a visual representation of a person or object that exaggerates or distorts certain features or characteristics in a humorous or satirical way.
- Caricatures are often used as a form of political or social commentary and can be found in editorial cartoons, advertisements, and other forms of popular media.
- Disney’s popular films from past decades, such as “Song of the South” and “Dumbo,” have faced backlash for featuring racist depictions and thinly veiled caricatures that perpetuate harmful stereotypes.
- Asian characters in Hollywood movies have often been reduced to oversimplified caricatures that lack depth and nuance, portraying them as nothing more than science geeks, controlling parents, or martial arts experts.
- The idea of “survival of the fittest” was twisted into a ugly caricature by adviocates of social Darwinism, who sought to engineer society based on their own biased beliefs about race and class.
- Caricature这个单词做名词使用,其表示“a visual representation of a person or object that exaggerates or distorts certain features or characteristics”这一含义,即“人物漫画/夸张的描述/漫画艺术/把…画成漫画/讽刺漫画”,与exaggeration/parody/satire这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用如下:
- Upon arriving at the hotel, we wasted no time and headed to the local museum, where we were delighted to see an array of amusing caricatures, as well as traditional paintings, but most importantly, a fascinating display of dinosaur fossils and eggs.(到达酒店后,我们没有浪费时间,前往当地博物馆,在那里我们很高兴看到一系列有趣的漫画以及传统绘画,但最重要的是,恐龙化石和蛋的迷人展示。)
–Arts - One of my reasons for watching Twin Peaks was to hone my skills in creating caricatures of different faces without relying on the same features or becoming too formulaic.(我看《双峰》的原因之一是磨练我创作不同面孔漫画的技能,而不是依赖相同的特征或变得过于公式化。)
–Arts - An Asian-American Twitter user shared with The Associated Press that she was taken aback by how much the depiction resembled the stereotypical cartoon caricatures of Asians, with squinty eyes and buckteeth.(一位亚裔美国人的Twitter用户与美联社分享说,她对这种描述与亚洲人的刻板卡通漫画有多相似而感到惊讶,他们眯着眼睛和龅牙。)
–Culture - Some Muslims draw a distinction between respectful depictions and insulting caricatures, while others do not uphold such limitations.(一些穆斯林区分了尊重的描绘和侮辱性的漫画,而另一些穆斯林则不坚持这种限制。)