Image by master1305
- The word caprice refers to a sudden and unpredictable change in someone’s mood, behavior, or decision, usually without any good reason. It can also refer to a sudden impulse or desire to do something without any real plan or reason.
- Our writing styles complement each other through a combination of caprice and deliberate restraint: The poet is surprisingly disciplined while the military officer tends to be spontaneous.
- While Ms. George expressed discontent with how Oscar approached her craft, she recognized the unpredictable nature of awards season and its intrinsic caprices.
- The reason why electoral behavior can be difficult to explain or forecast with certainty is due to the element of human unpredictability and the influence of personal caprices.
- Commercial entities’ financial support raises moral concerns, such as potential conflicts of interest, lack of oversight, and the risk of depending on the donor’s caprices.
- Apple representatives claim that the redesign delay is not due to caprice or indifference but rather a result of carefully considered decision-making.
- Caprice这个单词做名词使用,其表示“a sudden and unpredictable change in someone’s mood, behavior, or decision”这一含义,即“(态度或行为的)无缘无故突变/反复无常/任性”,与whim/impulsiveness/capriciousness这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Medicine should be standardized, similar to other business processes, to ensure that patients receive optimal care for their specific condition, rather than being at the mercy of the caprices of the treating physician.(医学应该是标准化的,类似于其他业务流程,以确保患者得到针对其特定病情的最佳护理,而不是任由治疗医生的反复无常摆布。)
–Medicine - The World Cup was full of surprises, unpredictability, and excitement, captivating the entire world with its erratic behavior and unpredictable twists and caprices.(世界杯充满了惊喜、不可预测和兴奋,以其不稳定的行为和不可预测的曲折和反复无常吸引了整个世界。)
–Sports - The Federal Aviation Administration‘s financial support is unstable, prone to the inconsistent behavior and caprice of Congress, and fails to keep up with the growing technological advancements and capital improvement needs. (美国联邦航空管理局的财政支持不稳定,容易受到国会不一致的行为和反复无常的影响,并且无法跟上不断增长的技术进步和资本改进需求。)
–Technology - He believed that the future was uncertain because it is dictated by the nature of caprices in life, and that to predict what would happen, one must possess a keen sense of intuition.(他认为未来是不确定的,是由生活中反复无常的本质决定的,要预测会发生什么,一个人必须拥有敏锐的直觉。)