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  1. When something is said to be canting, it means it is tilting or leaning in a particular direction. This can refer to a physical object that is not balanced or straight and is slightly inclined. For example, if a table is canting, it means it is inclining to one side.
  2. Cant can also refer to specialized or technical language used within a particular group or profession. It consists of specific terms, jargon, or expressions that are not commonly understood by everyone. This specialized language helps members of the group communicate effectively with each other but may be difficult for outsiders to comprehend. For example, medical professionals may use medical cant when discussing complex medical conditions or procedures.
  3. Another meaning of cant relates to insincere or hypocritical speech. It refers to the use of language or expressions that sound virtuous or moral but lack genuine belief or sincerity. For instance, someone may speak in cant when they make grandiose promises without any intention of fulfilling them.
  4. The paper’s exceptional clarity and skillful writing shatter the complexity barrier, offering lay readers a comprehensible and refreshingly cant-free overview in the opening pages.
  5. In many photographs, the lines and shapes cant and converge, giving a sense of playful instability and leaving viewers with intriguing puzzles that resist complete deciphering.
  6. The Oil stories project by The Guardian challenges writers worldwide to delve beyond the clichés and hollow cants, delving into the unexplored depths that energize our aspirations and shape our darkest fears.
  7. When he attempted to articulate this concept, though, he noticed his thoughts instinctively gravitating towards phrases like “greater empathy” and “enhanced comprehension,” but he quickly rejected them as overly sentimental and insincere cant.

  1. Cant这个单词做动词使用,其表示“tilt or lean in a particular direction”这一含义,即“(使)倾斜”,与tilt /incline /lean这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 除了做动词使用外,cant这个单词也可以做名词使用,其表示“specialized or technical language used within a particular group or profession”,即“行话/术语/俗语”,与terminology/jargon/dialect这些单词构成近义词。

  3. 另外,cant也可以做名词使用,表示“insincere talk about religion or morals”这一含义,即“(道德或宗教问题的)伪善言辞/虚假的话/空话,与deception/insincerity/hypocrisy这些单词构成近义词。

  4. 具体使用场景如下:
  • As the earthquake struck, the buildings in the city started to cant dangerously, tilting at unnatural angles and threatening to collapse, sending waves of panic through the frightened residents.(随着地震的发生,城市的建筑物开始危险地倾斜,以不自然的角度倾斜并有倒塌的危险,在受惊的居民中引发了一波又一波的恐慌。)
  • The leaning tower of Pisa is an iconic architectural marvel distinguished by its noticeable cant, which creates a striking and unmatched visual aspect.(比萨斜塔是一个标志性的建筑奇迹,以其明显的倾斜度而著称,创造了引人注目且无与伦比的视觉效果。)
  • The medical conference buzzed with passionate discussions and presentations centered around the newest trends, cants, and ideas in pharmaceutical research, as well as groundbreaking therapies and breakthrough treatments aimed at combating a wide range of diseases.(医学会议围绕药物研究的最新趋势、术语和想法,以及旨在对抗各种疾病的突破性疗法和突破性疗法,进行了热烈的讨论和演讲。)
  • Quantum mechanics, a field revered for its intricate cants, demands a profound grasp of mathematical formulas and intangible notions to navigate its intricate web of principles and phenomena.(量子力学是一个以其错综复杂的行话而备受推崇的领域,它需要深刻掌握数学公式和无形的概念,以驾驭其错综复杂的原理和现象网络。)
  • The politician’s speech amounted to mere cants, brimming with ambiguous pledges and rehearsed phrases, strategically crafted to manipulate the sentiments and sway the viewpoints of the audience.(这位政治家的演讲简直就是空话连篇,充满了模棱两可的承诺和排练过的短语,精心策划以操纵听众的情绪并影响他们的观点。)
  • Regardless of the preacher’s fervent sermon, his words amounted to nothing more than religious cants, lacking substance to tackle the fundamental challenges facing the community and providing no genuine remedies.(不管传教士的热切布道如何,他的话只不过是宗教的胡言乱语,缺乏解决社区面临的根本挑战的实质内容,也没有提供真正的补救措施。)


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