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  1. The word belie means to give a false impression or to contradict what is true. When something belies a certain belief or expectation, it goes against or contradicts it, making it seem untrue or deceptive. It suggests that appearances or initial assumptions can be misleading and that there is a discrepancy between what is expected and what is actually the case.
  2. He inadvertently witnessed a confidential situation that belied his preconceived notions about the esteemed godson and his magical existence, and it shattered something within him to observe the other boy’s unexpected downfall.
  3. Apple Inc.’s venture into original television production is not aimed at igniting a revolution, but rather it embraces modest aspirations that belie the core values of the technology powerhouse.
  4. In a rapidly spreading Twitter thread, Maza contended that the company’s promotional campaign belied its lenient implementation of the content and harassment policies it had already established.
  5. According to the lawsuit, TikTok’s policy assertion that there is only “occasional” or “mild” mature content on the platform belies the reality of the numerous concerning content that is readily available to young users.

  1. Belie这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to give a false impression or to contradict what is true”这一含义,即“掩饰/遮掩/给人以假象/显示(某事)不正确/证明(某事)错误”,与conceal/ misrepresent/ contradict/ refute这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Defying expectations and forecasts, Apple achieved greater iPhone sales in China than in the United States in the most recent quarter, belying the belief that the Chinese market would not embrace such a premium, high-margin device.(与预期和预测相反,苹果最近一个季度在中国的iPhone销量超过了美国,这证明了中国市场不会接受这种高端、高利润设备这一信念的错误。)
  • Our usual perception of ourselves as independent individuals is ingrained, yet these alien cells challenge that notion, implying that the majority of people bear traces of other individuals, belying our previous understanding.(我们通常将自己视为独立个体的看法是根深蒂固的,但这些外星细胞挑战了这一观念,暗示大多数人都有其他个体的痕迹,与我们以前的理解背道而驰。)
  • The trading activity served as a reminder that the crisis might still persist, belying forecasts that the situation would stabilize following JPMorgan Chase’s agreement with government officials to acquire the struggling First Republic.(交易活动提醒人们,危机可能仍然存在,这与摩根大通与政府官员达成协议收购陷入困境的第一共和国后局势将稳定下来的预测背道而驰。)
  • The understated choice of clothing by Jack Ma belied his immense impact; starting from a bedroom blog, he has propelled Hypebeast into a publicly traded media powerhouse worth well over a hundred and thirty-five million dollars since 2005.(马云低调的服装选择掩盖了他的巨大影响力;从卧室博客开始,自2005年以来,他已将Hypebeast推向了价值超过13.35亿美元的公开交易媒体巨头。)
  • In October, the company received a grant of $117,360 from the national service organization Dance/USA to bolster its audience-engagement initiatives, belying the prevailing belief that dance is marginalized and misunderstood within American culture.(10月,该公司从国家服务组织Dance/USA获得了117,360美元的赠款,以加强其观众参与计划,这证明了舞蹈在美国文化中被边缘化和误解的普遍看法是不正确的。)


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