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- To avert means to prevent or avoid something undesirable or harmful from happening. When you avert a situation or a potential problem, you take actions or make choices to stop it from occurring or to lessen its impact.
- In the early 1970s, the release of around 200 movies focused on Black characters in Hollywood helped avert a financial crisis for the industry.
- Arts supporters and elected officials in California called for additional government spending to avert what one leader described as an imminent cultural decline caused by the pandemic.
- Promoting the construction of renewable energy infrastructure in developing nations will both avert emissions and alleviate the energy poverty affecting over 700 million people worldwide.
- The closure and sale of First Republic occurred as a measure to avert a broader financial crisis following the sudden failure of Silicon Valley Bank in California.
- The International Monetary Fund expressed optimism that a financial crisis could be averted, although it expressed concerns about persistent high inflation and the fragile state of the global economy.
- Advocates of the measures argue that governments must take decisive action to expand cleaner energy sources and penalize the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in order to avert a global climate catastrophe.
- The implementation of a ban, which was not initially considered by Wimbledon officials, helps avert potential controversies during the tournament related to player declarations.
- Avert这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to prevent or avoid something undesirable or harmful from happening”这一含义,即“避免/防止/阻止”,与prevent/prohibit/inhibit这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- A potential boycott of the upcoming world championships has been averted as USA Hockey and the women’s national team have reached a tentative agreement in their wage dispute, as reported by USA Today on Tuesday.(据《今日美国》周二报道,由于美国曲棍球和女子国家队在工资纠纷中达成初步协议,因此避免了对即将举行的世界锦标赛的潜在抵制。)
–Sports - Other algorithms are programmed to analyze the current transmission of viruses in the animal kingdom to identify those that could potentially transfer to humans, thereby assisting researchers in averting the occurrence of the next pandemic.(其他算法被编程为分析动物王国中病毒的当前传播,以识别那些可能转移到人类的病毒,从而帮助研究人员避免下一次大流行的发生。)
–Science - Affluent nations are facing increasing pressure to pledge additional financial resources prior to the COP26 climate summit in November, where global leaders will endeavor to secure agreements for swifter reductions in emissions in order to avert catastrophic levels of global warming.(富裕国家正面临越来越大的压力,要求在11月的COP26气候峰会之前承诺增加财政资源,届时全球领导人将努力达成协议,以加快减排速度,避免灾难性的全球变暖水平。)
–News - Following the recent agreement, ByteDance, the Chinese parent company of TikTok, has announced plans for a public listing of TikTok Global, effectively averting the possibility of the popular app being shut down in the United States.(根据最近的协议,TikTok的中国母公司字节跳动宣布了TikTok Global公开上市的计划,有效地避免了这个流行的应用程序在美国被关闭的可能性。)
–Technology - In a vote held on Wednesday, unionized Boeing workers at three St. Louis-area factories approved the company’s latest contract offer, successfully averting a strike that could have severely impacted the production of critical military equipment.(在周三举行的投票中,圣路易斯地区三家工厂的工会波音工人批准了该公司的最新合同报价,成功防止了可能严重影响关键军事装备生产的罢工。)
–Business - In the film, Jude Law reprises his role as Dr. Watson, Sherlock Holmes’ somewhat unwilling partner, whose plans for a honeymoon are disrupted when he is called upon to help avert a catastrophe in 1890s Europe.(在电影中,裘德·洛重新扮演华生博士——夏洛克·福尔摩斯有点不情愿的伴侣。当他被要求协助避阻止 1890 年代欧洲的灾难时,他的蜜月计划被打乱了。)