• 发音:[əˈsɪmɪˌleɪt]

  • 例句

  1. To assimilate is to absorb into the cultural tradition of a population or group.
  2. If someone moves to another country, he or she will need to assimilate by adapting to and taking in the language, culture and customs of the new place.
  3. His government has set a goal of attracting 400,000 qualified workers annually for the country, which has Europe’s biggest economy, and easing access to language and other courses to help assimilate migrants.
  4. The U.S. government terminated the tribe in the 1960s and took its remaining land as part of a policy that sought to abolish reservations and assimilate Native Americans into mainstream American society.
  5. The party leader has intensified efforts to settle ethnic tensions by encouraging the region’s residents to assimilate into Chinese society and making Mandarin Chinese the dominant language in public life.
  6. A less-experienced employee with a strong attitude and desire to share in a company’s success will be much more beneficial than a stubborn, experienced employee who refuses to assimilate into a positive office culture. 

  • 解释

  1. Assimilate这个单词为动词,其表示“to absorb into the cultural tradition of a population or group, or to absorb into the system”这一含义,即“使同化,吸收/接受,融入,透彻理解,消化”,与integrate/incorporate/absorb/comprehend这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Immigrants were encouraged to acculturate as quickly as they could—meaning that they must learn a new language, giving up traditions, customs, heritage, etc., in order to blend and assimilate into the general population.(移民被鼓励尽快适应 – 这意味着他们必须学习一门新语言,放弃传统,习俗,遗产等,以便融入和同化为普通人口。)
  • If you grow up somewhere or work at a particular institution for any length of time, you assimilate and take on the values and opinions of the people around you.(如果你在某个地方长大或在某个特定的机构工作了很长时间,你就会吸收并接受周围人的价值观和意见。)
  • Unlike the hyperconnected perceptual regions of the human brain, the system learns and processes properties like shape, size and color separately and then assimilates the data into a cohesive “view” of a space.(与人脑的超连接感知区域不同,该系统分别学习和处理形状、大小和颜色等属性,然后将数据吸收成一个整体的空间“视图”。)
  • Their stories were told again and again in an attempt to assimilate the tragedy, to comprehend the incomprehensible.(他们的故事被一遍又一遍地讲述,试图理解悲剧,理解难以理解的事情。)
  • The 21 percent of students whose parents are immigrants will have less of a chance to assimilate.(父母是移民的21%的学生将有较少同化或融入的机会。)


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