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- The word “ascend” is a verb that refers to the action of moving upward or climbing. It can be used in a physical sense, such as when a person climbs up a mountain or stairs, or in a more abstract or metaphorical sense, such as when discussing a rise in status or position. For example, one might ascend to a higher rank in an organization or ascend to the throne in a monarchy.
- In her debut season, Flau’jae Johnson played a crucial role in guiding the Louisiana State University women’s basketball team to a national championship last April, enabling her to ascend to the sport’s highest level.
- As Mr. Jain ascended to higher and more powerful positions within Deutsche Bank’s investment bank, eventually reaching the role of chief, he cultivated a group of loyal followers who became known within the bank as “Anshu’s army.”
- In August 2016, experienced American trekker Justin Alexander Shetler ascended to a high-altitude Himalayan lake in India’s Parvati Valley and was never heard from again.
- Volcanoes erupt when there is enough liquid magma beneath the surface and sufficient pressure to make that magma ascend to the surface.
- Mr. Pichai, 46, joined Google in 2004 and ascended the company’s ranks, spearheading the successful Chrome web browser and overseeing the expansion of the Android operating system.
- Ascend这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to move or travel upwards/to move to a better position in life or to a better job”这一含义,即“上升/升高/登高/晋升”,与climb /rise /escalate /soar等单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Recently, Pat Hanrahan, cofounder and Chief Scientist of Tableau and a professor at Stanford’s Computer Graphics Laboratory, became the second full-time academic from this Silicon Valley institution to ascend to billionaire status.(最近,Tableau的联合创始人兼首席科学家、同时也是斯坦福大学计算机图形学实验室的教授帕特·汉拉汉成为了这家硅谷机构的第二位全职学者晋升为亿万富翁的人物。)
–Technology - The City of David Foundation recently revealed a 2,000-year-old main road in Roman-era Jerusalem, used by pilgrims ascending to the ancient Jewish Temple from the Pool of Siloam, which was built by King Hezekiah.(大卫城基金会最近揭示了一条位于罗马时代耶路撒冷的2000年历史的主要道路,该道路曾被朝圣者用来从希西家王建造的西罗亚池上升到古老的犹太圣殿。)
–Science - Drafted at No. 14, Kinlaw never ascended to his expected draft level, largely due to knee issues, and signed with the New York Jets this offseason after the 49ers declined his fifth-year option.(在第14顺位被选中的金劳由于膝盖问题,未能达到预期的选秀水平,并在49人队放弃他的第五年选项后,本赛季休息期与纽约喷气机队签约。)
–Sports - Whether REITs are headed for a downturn or set to ascend to new heights, one certainty remains: The introduction of a new category will allow investors to track the performance of their real estate investments accurately.(无论房地产投资信托基金(REITs)是即将面临下滑还是即将攀升至新高,有一点是肯定的:新类别的引入将使投资者能够准确地跟踪他们的房地产投资表现。)
–Business - This month, Wallace released his first book titled “Countdown 1945,” chronicling the 116 days during which Harry Truman ascended to the presidency and chose to drop atomic bombs on Japan in World War II.(本月,沃莱斯发布了他的第一本书《1945年倒计时》,记述了哈里·杜鲁门升任总统并决定在第二次世界大战中向日本投下原子弹的116天。)
–Arts and Culture