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- Ardor refers to intense enthusiasm or passion towards something, often a particular goal, activity, or person. It can also refer to an intense feeling of love or affection. The word is typically used to describe strong emotions, often in a positive sense.
- The soul and immediacy of the music made it a cult favorite in Britain, earning ardor from the then young stars Costello and Lowe, as well as Robert Plant.
- Investors’ ardor for Snap shares – which rose almost 50 percent in its market debut on Thursday, giving it a market value of nearly $30 billion – bodes well for future tech IPOs.
- Despite the recent talks between Iran and the United States and the prospect of better relations, Iran’s revolutionary ardor was still visible.
- The ardor for social media at Procter & Gamble — the world’s largest marketer by spending — was outlined in a speech by Marc Pritchard, global marketing and chief branding officer.
- Ardor这个单词做名词使用,其表示“intense enthusiasm or passion towards something”这一含义,即“
热情/热爱/激情”,与enthusiasm/thirst/passion/fervor这些单词构成近义词。 - 具体使用场景如下:
- Though he still has youthful sweetness in his voice, in recent years he has been singing with increasing ardor, richness and power.(虽然他的声音中仍然有青春的甜美,但近年来他唱歌的热情、丰富和力量越来越大。)
—Arts - She lived for a while with a maternal aunt before making her way to college and eventually to New York, which she embraced with an outsider’s ardor.(在上大学之前,她和一位姨妈一起生活了一段时间,最终去了纽约,她以局外人的热情拥抱了纽约。)
—Culture - His ardor in supporting individual rights is to be appreciated, but this bill is unnecessary and largely ineffective.(他支持个人权利的热情值得赞赏,但这项法案是不必要的,而且基本上是无效的。)
—News - The growing ardor among viewers for watching sports live rather than recorded, making it more likely they will see commercials, has helped enhance baseball’s appeal as an advertising delivery vehicle.(观众越来越热衷于观看体育直播而不是录制,使他们更有可能看到广告,这有助于增强棒球作为广告传递工具的吸引力。)
—Sports - The ardor for the World Cup is another example of how advertisers are stepping up support for marquee televised events, known as big event TV.(对世界杯的热情是广告商如何加强对大型电视赛事(称为大型赛事电视)的支持的另一个例子。)