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  1. The word aptitude refers to a natural talent or skill that someone has for doing a particular activity or task. It represents a person’s ability to quickly and easily learn and excel in a specific area.
  2. The younger artists’ diligence and enthusiasm in their studies demonstrate a promising aptitude for acquiring technical skills, which bodes well for their future.
  3. Growing up in a small town in Wales, Diamandis revealed that she never exhibited any intrinsic aptitude for music, except for a single occasion when she sang Oasis’s “Wonderwall” by the fireplace like a little Victorian child.
  4. In the presence of Alzheimer’s disease or other ailments, our capacity to self-assess our cognitive aptitude becomes even more unreliable, particularly during the early stages of the condition.
  5. Rather than simply scanning words on a page and matching them to a job description, a machine can now identify skills and aptitudes that may not be explicitly listed on a candidate’s résumé.
  6. Despite an outstanding season that earned him his first all-star team selection with the Brooklyn Nets, the 23-year-old point guard faces questions about his defensive aptitude, shot selection, and ability to drive to the basket.
  7. Even though no one in his family ever displayed a natural aptitude for mathematics, and some even exhibited the opposite, mathematics was a familiar presence in the Funkle household.


  1. Aptitude这个单词做名词使用,其表示“a special and usually inborn ability”这一含义,即“天赋/天资/天生的才能/能力/资质”,与talent/ability/gift这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Most assessments in psychology, including tests measuring aptitude and scales evaluating personality traits, are effective in predicting average group responses rather than providing individual forecasts.(心理学中的大多数评估,包括测量能力倾向和评估人格特质的量表测试,在预测平均群体反应方面是有效的,而不是提供个人预测。)
  • Instead of perceiving your employees solely as tools and resources for personal success, acknowledge their unique talents and aptitudes that extend beyond their job roles.(不要将员工仅仅视为个人成功的工具和资源,而要承认他们超越工作角色的独特才能和资质。)
  • Following a victorious 5-4 shootout win against Uruguay in the Round of 16, Brazil once again displayed its aptitude for penalty kicks and will now face either Senegal or Uzbekistan on Wednesday.(在16强中以5-4战胜乌拉圭之后,巴西再次展示了其点球能力,现在将在周三面对塞内加尔或乌兹别克斯坦。)
  • Leadership necessitates a deep understanding of the operational landscape, social aptitude, and emotional intelligence to effectively communicate this awareness to the team, along with the practical knowledge of translating strategy into action.(领导力需要对运营环境、社交能力和情商有深刻的理解,以有效地将这种意识传达给团队,以及将战略转化为行动的实践知识。)
  • Educational institutions have long relied on aptitude tests, including SATs, ACTs, Advanced Placement exams, and state assessments, to assess students’ abilities and determine their prospects for higher education, often with implications for federal funding, and states, such as Colorado, are planning to reinstate these assessments.(教育机构长期以来一直依靠能力倾向测试,包括SAT,ACT,大学先修考试和州评估,来评估学生的能力并确定他们的高等教育前景,这通常会对联邦资金产生影响,科罗拉多州等州正计划恢复这些评估。)
  • He demonstrated an early aptitude for music: At the age of 5, shortly after the family relocated to Los Angeles, he began piano lessons, and at 7, he took up the violin.(他很早就表现出了音乐天赋:5岁时,全家搬到洛杉矶后不久,他开始上钢琴课,7岁时,他拿起了小提琴。)


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