• 发音:[ˌæproʊˈbeɪʃ(ə)n]

  • 例句

  1. Approbation is a formal word for approval or praise.
  2. President Trump received widespread approbation for striking an optimistic, bipartisan tone in his first speech to Congress on Feb. 28, 2017.
  3. In fourth place among analysts’ darlings was Orbital Sciences Corp., which enjoyed the unanimous approbation of nine analysts.
  4. The campaign has won widespread approbation from a variety of sources in and out of the data security industry.
  5. Some of the loudest voices have displayed astonishing hypocrisy on this issue, with celebrities deserving the most approbation.
  6. While some medical interventions such as organ transplants to replace malfunctioning livers and kidneys, or vaccines to boost the immune system, command wide social acceptance, others invite moral approbation.

  • 解释

  1. Approbation这个单词为名词,其表示“official approval or recognization”这一含义,即正式的“认可/赞美/称赞”,与approval/praise/endorsement/favor等单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Politicians rely on the public’s approbation to get elected.(政治家依靠公众的认可来当选。)
  • The company has even received the approbation of its former critics.(该公司甚至得到了前批评者的认可。)
  • The slow embrace of the comic-book medium by elite audiences is a history with its own particular milestones, each marking a moment of sudden approbation by previously disapproving constituencies.(精英群体对漫画媒介的缓慢接受是一段有其特定里程碑的历史,每个里程碑都标志着以前不赞成的选民突然赞同的时刻。)
  • The child resists the temptation to misconduct in school, chiefly because it respects the authority and desires to win the approbation of father and mother.(孩子抵制住在学校做错事的诱惑,主要是因为他尊重权威,渴望赢得父母的认可。)
  • What becomes central is not the suffering, trauma and violation that the boys suffer, but the social approbation which would diminish the respectability of that community.(核心问题不是男孩们所遭受的痛苦、创伤和侵犯,而是社会的认可,这将削弱该社区的尊重。)
  • Mr. Carlile deserved the approbation of all the friends of humanity for attempting to remove this prejudice by leaving his remains for anatomical purposes.(卡莱尔先生理应得到所有人类之友的赞扬,因为他试图通过将他的遗体留给解剖目的来消除这种偏见。)


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