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- When the word apprehend is used to mean “understand”, it means to grasp or comprehend a concept or idea. It’s like having a clear picture or knowledge in your mind about something. It’s when you are able to fully understand something or make sense of it.
- Despite spending a considerable amount of time repeating the process, she still does not fully understand how the system works, even though she could recreate the book from memory, indicating that she has not fully apprehended it.
- Teachers of Advanced Placement classes encourage discussions and checks for understanding as they know that students not only need to learn facts but also to fully apprehend complex concepts.
- Fraud is rampant in the field of artificial intelligence because of its potential for profitability, interest, and complexity, making it difficult to fully apprehend.
- Physics and chemistry are insufficient for apprehending human behavior, and as a result, they cannot assist in developing effective vaccination programs or resolving problems such as pedestrian crossings.
- Recent improvements in computer vision are providing machines with the ability to distinguish and track faces, make assumptions about human behavior and motives, and apprehend and handle physical threats.
- Apprehend这个单词做动词使用,其表示“ to understand the meaning of something”这一含义,即“理解/认识到/领会/领悟”,与comprehend/understand/discern这些单词构成近义词。
- 此外,apprehend还可以用作表示“to take or keep under one’s control by authority of law”这一含义,即“逮捕/拘押”,与arrest/detain/restrain这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- The individuals were apprehended by authorities after attempting to use fraudulent Costa Rican passports and carrying Belgian travel documents that appeared to be falsified.(这些人在试图使用伪造的哥斯达黎加护照和携带似乎伪造的比利时旅行证件后被当局逮捕。)
–News - In fiscal year 2019, Pew Research Center reported that the number of people apprehended at the border between the US and Mexico reached a 12-year high.(皮尤研究中心报告称,在2019财年,在美国和墨西哥边境被捕的人数达到了12年来的最高水平。)
–News - The Federal Reserve added inquiries regarding student loans to its wide-ranging survey of consumer expectations, with a recent analysis demonstrating that people do not fully apprehend the long-term consequences of taking on student debt.(美联储在其广泛的消费者期望调查中增加了有关学生贷款的询问,最近的一项分析表明,人们并没有完全理解承担学生债务的长期后果。)
–Business - Although Siri is often ridiculed for its shortcomings as a weak virtual assistant, its development has the potential to be significant in apprehending information.(尽管Siri经常因其作为弱虚拟助手的缺点而受到嘲笑,但它的发展在理解信息方面具有重要意义。)