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- Apathy refers to a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern about things that usually evoke emotions or engagement. When someone feels apathetic, they may have little motivation or desire to take action or show involvement. It can be described as a state of indifference or disinterest where a person may feel emotionally disconnected or unaffected by the world around them.
- In 1875, a teaching institution called the Normal School was established in Ottawa; However, the idea of establishing similar schools in Kingston and London was ultimately discarded due to the lack of interest and apathy shown by the Legislature towards the associated costs.
- In many aspects, the medical system’s disregard for women’s pain is reflected by the ongoing cultural apathy and dismissal in the face of oppressive abortion laws that undermine their rights.
- During the recent winter season, parents reached out for assistance when they observed shifts in their children’s behavior, such as apathy, hostility, worry, sensitivity to loud sounds, and withdrawal from social interactions.
- His apathy towards reducing expenses has played a role in pushing the deficit to around $1 trillion this year, standing in stark contrast to the Republican Party’s insistence on achieving a balanced budget during the Obama administration.
- The NFL experienced a challenging season in 2017, marked by political controversies, declining television viewership, increased apathy among fans, debatable replay decisions, and contentious concussion protocols.
- They discovered that after the lockdown, the patients exhibited a deterioration in neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as heightened restlessness, signs of apathy, and unusual movement patterns.
- While endeavoring to address the issue, Twitter has faced allegations of apathy, suppression of speech, biased treatment towards political content, and prioritizing financial gains over societal concerns.
- Apathy这个单词做名词使用,其表示“a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern about things”这一含义,即“冷淡/情感淡漠/漠不关心”, 与indifference/disregard/emptiness这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- The fundamental understanding of Black Lives Matter is that the government is inherently inclined towards discriminatory animosity and lethal aggression, and the apathy or acceptance of onlookers consistently obstructs meaningful transformation.(对“黑人的命也是命”的基本理解是政府天生倾向于歧视性敌意和致命侵略,同时,旁观者的冷漠或接受始终阻碍有意义的转型。)
–Culture - The researchers anticipated that individuals who consume cannabis would experience more frequent feelings of joylessness and apathy compared to those who do not, and they would also demonstrate reduced motivation to exert effort in pursuit of rewards.(研究人员预计,与不吸食大麻的人相比,消费大麻的人会经历更频繁的无快乐和冷漠感,而且他们也会表现出努力追求回报的动力降低。)
–Science - The NFL faced numerous challenges during the 2017 season, including political controversies, a decline in TV viewership, increased apathy from fans, contentious decisions regarding instant replays, and controversies surrounding concussion management protocols.(NFL在2017赛季面临许多挑战,包括政治争议,电视收视率下降,球迷冷漠增加,关于即时回放的有争议的决定以及围绕脑震荡管理协议的争议。)
–Sports - Those who were unemployed for an extended period faced a range of physical and mental issues, including feelings of discouragement, apathy, and a sense of being socially disconnected.(那些长期失业的人面临着一系列的身体和精神问题,包括沮丧、冷漠和与社会脱节的感觉。)
–Business - In “Owlish,” Dorothy Tse’s second book available in English translation following the collection of stories titled “Snow and Shadow,” she portrays a city gradually descending into authoritarian rule with the help of the population’s political apathy.(在《猫头鹰》中,Dorothy Tse继《雪与影》故事集之后的第二本英文译本,描绘了一个在民众政治冷漠的帮助下逐渐陷入专制统治的城市。)