- To alleviate means to make things more bearable or provide physical relief from pain, such as alleviating the pain by taking aspirin.
- Regular exercise can alleviate symptoms of depression in children, a new analysis showed.
- As a scientist, she believed that it was her obligation to perform medical research that would help alleviate human suffering.
- The British government said a number of measures would be taken to alleviate pressures on the system and make sure patients were getting care in the right places.
- The program was established to provide economic and social benefits for residents of western Alaska, alleviating poverty in what often are Indigenous communities.
- Alleviate这个单词为动词,其表示“make things easier or more bearable”这一含义,即“减轻/缓解/缓和”, 与relieve/ease/mitigate这些单词构成近义词,与exacerbate/aggravate这些单词构成反义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Local governments in Sichuan and Anhui provinces have called in recent weeks for public donations to alleviate strains in supplies of medical equipment.(最近几周,四川和安徽地方政府呼吁公众捐款,以缓解医疗设备供应的压力。)
—News - Policies that require a certain standard for new buildings and policies that mandate retrofits of existing residential structures would help alleviate some of that burden.(要求对新建筑有一定标准的政策和要求改造现有住宅结构的政策将有助于减轻部分负担。)
—News - Last week, a study of 150 COVID-19 patients in China who received the drug showed it did not clear the patients of the virus, but it did alleviate some symptoms.(上周,一项针对中国 150 名接受该药物的 COVID-19 患者的研究表明,它并没有清除患者的病毒,但它确实缓解了一些症状。)