- The word address means to speak to or give a speech to somebody, or to deal with something usually skillfully or efficiently.
- Before the awards were given, the mayor addressed the crowd.
- There is a serious need to address equity issues in health care, mental health, and wellness services that many communities face.
- Other local governments are relying on similar measures to address mental health issues in their communities.
- Many union members have stressed that the concessions from the railroads do not address their deep-seated concerns about a staffing model that several large carriers have rolled out in recent years.
- Address这个单词意思较多,这里重点讲解其动词用法。用着动词时,该单词可以表示“speak to/give a speech to”这一含义,即“演讲、演说”,与“talk/speak/inform”这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- The champion addressed the crowd in the stadium after the game was over. (比赛结束后,冠军在体育场向观众发表讲话。)
—Sports - He then claimed a microphone to address Argentina’s supporters amid scenes of celebratory mayhem.(然后,他声称在庆祝混乱的场景中向阿根廷的支持者发表讲话。)
3. 除了“演讲/演说”这一含义外,address这个单词做动词还可以表示“to deal with something usually skillfully or efficiently”这一含义,即“处理、对付”,与“handle/manage/cope/maneuver“等单词为近义词。
4. 具体使用场景如下:
- I want doctors and nurses to really think about how they address weight management issues with people who are struggling with fertility, and just approach it in a kinder way.(我希望医生和护士真正思考他们如何解决那些在生育方面挣扎的人的体重管理问题,并以更友善的方式处理它。)
—Medical - Other local governments are relying on similar measures to address mental health issues in their communities.(其他地方政府也依靠类似的措施来解决其社区的心理健康问题。)