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- To acquiesce means to agree to something or go along with it, even if you may not necessarily want to or fully agree with it. It involves accepting or submitting to a situation or request without putting up resistance or expressing strong objections.
- France and Italy would have engaged in a dispute over Greece, but if the Italians had not been willing to fight France alone, they would have had to acquiesce Greece’s expansion to the north of Durazzo.
- The social media platform faced criticism for acquiescing to the Indian government’s demands last week, as it blocked more than 120 accounts in the country, as reported by The Guardian.
- Investment firms acquiesce to higher fees in order to be included in brokerage firms’ recommended lists because brokers typically prioritize actively managed mutual funds that generate higher fees compared to passively-managed funds.
- Despite Palmer’s request to be traded from the consistently underperforming team, Brown did not acquiesce, even though trading him could have brought the Bengals valuable draft picks.
- Apple finally acquiesced to a long-standing customer demand with the release of iOS 14 and iPadOS 14, as they introduced the option to change default apps for web browsing and email, which customers had been requesting for a while.
- Acquiesce这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to accept or comply passively”这一含义,即“默认/默许/顺从/勉强同意”,与agree/assent/accede这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Instead of acquiescing to pressure from the president-elect and maintaining production in the US, Ford chose to construct the Focus in China, resulting in an estimated cost savings of $1 billion for the company.(福特没有顺从当选总统的压力并维持在美国的生产,而是选择在中国建造福克斯,估计为公司节省了10亿美元的成本。)
–Business - Despite Apple’s struggles during that period, the company resisted acquiescing to product placement but did agree to occasional reciprocal arrangements.(尽管苹果在此期间陷入困境,但该公司拒绝默许产品植入,但确实同意偶尔的互惠安排。)
–Technology - Analysts suggest that the feasibility of such a plan remains uncertain, and in the end, TMX management may have no option but to acquiesce to a friendly deal.(分析人士认为,这种计划的可行性仍不确定,最终,TMX管理层可能别无选择,只能勉强同意友好协议。)
–Business - The judges accused the agencies of disregarding environmental regulations and acquiescing to the pipeline company’s justifications regarding the project’s environmental impact.(法官指责这些机构无视环境法规,默许管道公司关于该项目环境影响的理由。)
–News - The decision sparked outrage among conservationists nationwide, who argued that the federal government was merely acquiescing to the private interests of the livestock industry instead of prioritizing wildlife management for its own sake.(这一决定引发了全国环保人士的愤怒,他们认为联邦政府只是默许了畜牧业的私人利益,而不是为了自己的利益而优先考虑野生动物管理。)
–News - Reluctantly acquiescing to her publisher’s request, the author embarked on writing “Little Women,” uncertain whether the coming-of-age tale of four sisters would resonate with readers.(作者不情愿地默许了出版商的要求,开始写《小妇人》,不确定四姐妹的成长故事是否会引起读者的共鸣。)