- To show that you know something is to acknowledge it. Also, we can use acknowledge to express the meaning—to admit something to be real or true, or recognize the existence of something.
- Many are now on an almost quixotic quest in the belief that the government should acknowledge its harsh policies were a severe mistake and should apologize for the harm it has caused.
- The committee acknowledged such a move would help improve safety and animal welfare, but expressed concern it would mean more greyhounds suffering injuries while racing.
- A week after the Times investigation was published, military officials acknowledged that 10 civilians had been killed and that Mr. Ahmadi posed no threat and had no connection to ISIS.
- In an interview with Bloomberg News nearly two weeks later, they acknowledged the collapse triggered widespread pain but said death threats had forced them into hiding.
- Acknowledge这个单词为动词,“To acknowledge sth”, 其核心表示“To show sb that you know something”这一含义,即“承认,认识”,与admit/agree这些单词构成近义词。
- 使用场景如下:The president acknowledges the need to reform. (总统承认改革的必要性。)/They acknowledged that the decision was a mistake.(他们承认这个决定是一个错误。)/Lionel Messi is widely acknowledged as the best football player in the world. (梅西被认为是世界上最好的足球运动员。)/He acknowledged that two years ago the bank was about $4 million short, because it had inadvertently been using clients’ deposits toward operating expenses.(他承认,两年前,该银行短缺约400万美元,因为它无意中将客户的存款用于运营费用。)
- 除了表示“承认/认识”外,acknowledge还可以表示“to express gratitude or obligation for something”这一含义,即“感激、感谢”,与give thanks to/recognize/appreciate这些单词构成近义词。例如:She acknowledged the gift that her friend gave to her with a card. (她用贺卡表达了对别人礼物的感谢。)/We must acknowledge the kindness she showed towards us.(我们必须对她向我们表达的善意予以感谢。)