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  • 发音:[əkˈsesəb(ə)l]
  • 例句

  1. Accessible means something that is easy to reach, understand or use for everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.
  2. The theater also offers expanded wheelchair seating, making “Dark Disabled Stories” the rare show that is accessible to all or nearly all.
  3. Because of the 2018 law, Silicon Valley Bank  was not subject to “liquidity coverage ratio” rules that require large banks to maintain a certain level of readily accessible funding.
  4. In developing markets and a country like India, where organized food retail doesn’t exist, there is a mega opportunity to create high-quality, consistent food experiences that are accessible to the masses.
  5. Hundreds of scientists and online organizations have signed an open letter calling on Twitter to “ensure that APIs for studying public content on the platform remain easily accessible for journalists, academics, and civil society.”

  • 解释

  1. Accessible这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“capable of being reached, or capable of being read with comprehension”这一含义,即“(物理上)可到达的、可接近的/可使用的”,或者“容易理解的/易懂的”,与convenient/reachable/understandable/comprehensible等单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • Large language models are making creativity and knowledge work accessible to all.(大型语言模型正在使所有人都能获得创造力和知识工作。)
  • The spread of potentially harmful manipulated media is difficult to quantify, but researchers say they are seeing more examples emerge as the technologies that enable them become more widely accessible.(潜在有害的操纵媒体的传播很难量化,但研究人员表示,随着使它们能够更广泛地获得的技术,他们看到了更多的例子出现。)
  • The same technological advances that promise to make the Moon more accessible for their experiments will also make the environment more crowded.(承诺使月球更容易进入实验的技术进步也将使环境更加拥挤。)
  • Nutritious food should be considered a human right; it should also be fresh and readily accessible to all people regardless of their home address or socioeconomic background.(营养食品应被视为一项人权;它还应该是新鲜的,所有人都可以轻松获得,无论他们的家庭住址或社会经济背景如何。)


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