
Image by jcomp

  • 发音:[ˌæbəˈreɪʃ(ə)n]

  • 例句

  1. Aberration means something that is different from what is expected, usual, or normal. It can refer to a mistake, error, or deviation from the norm. In general, aberration is used to describe something that is unusual or unexpected in a particular context.
  2. The World War Two period and other times of persecution are viewed as exceptions, and today, relations between Buddhists and Catholics are typically positive, without aberration.
  3. In February, the CEO of Goldman Sachs, David M. Solomon, labeled remote work an aberration for the company’s traders.
  4. Regrettably, the book avoids the fundamental question of whether Westboro is an aberration or an extension of the intolerance exhibited by many religious followers towards theological variety.
  5. For many such parents, the concept of a working child is deemed as aberrations, in part due to the association with child labor exploitation in factories or mines.
  6. The most recent technology generation sifts through the immense amounts of data gathered on people’s everyday routines to detect aberrations and irregularities, with the promise of anticipating crimes or demonstrations before they occur.

  • 解释
  1. Aberration这个单词做名词使用,其表示“something that is different from what is expected, usual, or normal”这一含义,即“反常/偏差/误差”,与anomaly/abnormality/exception这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • The quality of captured images is enhanced by the new system as it removes certain aberrations that are caused by existing camera designs.(新系统消除了由现有相机设计引起的某些像差,从而提高了捕获图像的质量。)
  • According to the minister at the press conference, wage disparity is an undemocratic aberration that segregates, discriminates and infringes women’s rights.(据部长在新闻发布会上说,工资差距是一种不民主的畸形现象,它隔离、歧视和侵犯了妇女的权利。)
  • Remote working has been labeled as an “aberration” by some employers who contend that working from the office is more productive, as the CEO of Goldman Sachs has previously stated.(正如高盛首席执行官此前所说,远程工作被一些雇主标记为“反常现象”,他们认为在办公室工作更有效率。)
  • The book put forth the argument that slavery, which lasted for centuries, was not an aberration but a fundamental reality in the creation of the modern world.(该书提出这样的论点,即持续了几个世纪的奴隶制不是畸形,而是现代世界创造的基本现实。)


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