Context of Scrutinize

Cognitive reframing can be an excellent tool when employees (and managers) feel stuck. There are three key steps to this process. First, identify the unhelpful thoughts. For example, suppose Ahmed learns that Melia is resisting the idea of taking a two-week paid leave for eldercare. In his conversations with her, he realizes that she is feeling worried about how time off would affect workflow. In this step, Ahmed’s first task is to help Melia identify anxiety-producing thoughts, such as: “If I go on family leave, no work will get done, and I’ll have so much to do when I return!”

The next step is to evaluate the thoughts. Ahmed should encourage Melia to scrutinize her negative thoughts for evidence that either corroborates or challenges them. This keeps her from automatically accepting the thoughts and being drawn into a cycle of negative worry.

–Harvard Business Review

Which of the following BEST interprets the meaning of “scrutinize” in the passage?

Related Topic

–Reframe Your Negative Thoughts | Video by Therapy in a Nutshell


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