Context of Probe

Some of the most striking results have come from observations of the most distant galaxies we can see, which correspond to just a few hundred million years after the universe began. These galaxies seem more luminous than theorists predicted, suggesting we have probed back to an era when the physical conditions of how gas is converted to stars were different.

“They’re systematically brighter by factors of three to five, which may not sound a lot, but if we go to later times when the universe is older, these theoretical models match the data extremely well,” says Ellis. It seems that when we use James Webb Space Telescope to look beyond what the Hubble Space Telescope can see, further back in time to earlier galaxies just 400 million years after the big bang, we find that something is different, he says.
–New Scientist

Which of the following BEST interprets the meaning of “probe” in the passage?

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