Context of Collaborate

Olya Kudina has integrated ChatGPT into her courses at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, where she teaches AI and ethics. In December she gave her undergrads a debate-style assignment: Groups of students first presented three arguments and two counterarguments, supported by academic references, without AI assistance. Next, they fed the same assignment to either ChatGPT or its predecessor, GPT-3, and then compared the AI’s arguments with their own.

Kudina says schools should neither ban nor blindly embrace ChatGPT. She advocates finding more creative ways to
with it. For example, students might use the bot to spark new ideas or arguments. Kudina thinks ChatGPT might also spur educators to revamp their assignments—for instance, by asking students to draw from personal experiences, which is information AI can’t pick up from training data.

Which of the following BEST interprets the meaning of “collaborate” in the passage?

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